:-) / >8-[ + 3:-D + ~:o
'Bring Your Kid To Work Day' ? Bah!
Satu ketika dulu, semasa aku nak membeli goreng pisang daripada sorang makcik nih, aku terperasan satu perkara. Anak makcik nih, sedang nyenyak tidur di bawah meja stall tersebut. Sleeping like nobody’s business, tanpa menghiraukan pelanggan2 yang datang, mahupun hangat dari kuali goreng pisang yang berdekatan. Tak sangka hari ni turn aku pulak buat camtuh.*
My MIL demam, so anak aku takde orang nak jaga hari nih. Dan oleh kerana kerja aku melambak2, I can’t afford to take more day-offs, so, terpaksalah bawak anak aku ke ofis.

* Ok, so, the condition of my cubes is not as bad as the goreng pisang stall as mentioned above, but you get the idea.
Labels: Family, Ikmal, Motherhood
Happy 4th Birthday, Ikmal Haniff !

There is so much to teach, and the time goes so fast. ~ Erma Bombeck
It will be gone before you know it. The fingerprints on the wall appear higher and higher. Then suddenly they disappear. ~ Dorothy Evslin
Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ~ Elizabeth Stone

Have a Happy 4th Birthday, Ikmal Haniff.
Mama doakan semoga Ikmal menjadi anak yang soleh, taat kepada Allah swt, sayangkan Rasulullah s.a.w dan semoga menjadi insan yang berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Dan jangan lupa. Jaga mak, ooppss, jaga Mama, jaga Mama.*
* Honestly, I try not to susahkan anak2 bila diorang dah dewasa kelak. Cukuplah agar jangan menjadi anak yang derhaka dan tidak menyusahkan mak ayah bila dah besar nanti.PS: Aku dah buat awal2 entri nih iaitu sebelum balik kampung, tapi blogger ada problem lak. Habih, sampai la ni baru teringat.
Labels: Family, Ikmal
Ikmal Haniff ~ Lelaki Melayu Terakhir?
Baju Melayu dari Ampang Point : RM50
Meredah Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman yang penuh sesak tambahan pulak cuaca panas terik dan tekak dahaga semacam sebab puasa, untuk membeli:
- Samping songket : RM14
- Capal : RM10
- Songkok : RM18
(Akhirnya), Melihat anak aku berbaju Melayu lengkap di pagi Aidil Fitri : Priceless.
PS: Rasanya lebih lengkap kalau ada keris, tapi aku tak nak la pulak membahayakan nyawa anak sendiri semata2 kerana stail. ;)
Labels: Family, Ikmal
Latest Addition To Our Clan !!!

I just wanna wish Nizwan Aliff bin Mohd. Nizam, the heartiest welcome to our clan (the second grandson to our family- born to my second sister, Wan), on the 22nd of October 2006 (just 4 days to Ikmal's birthday!). Both mom and baby are in the pinkest of health (so far, Insya Allah). Congratulations to the new parents – Nizam & Wan! Ah, the joy of parenthood... ;)

Labels: Family, Ikmal, Motherhood
I Know That Look, Ikmal
a.k.a Why I Hated Blogging From Home.

Him : Mama, nak main game?
Me: Nanti la dulu, Mama nak buat kerja sikit nih.
Him : Mama, nak main game boleh tak?
Me : Lepas ni, Ikmal. Tunggu kejap.
Him : (climbs up the computer table and lie down in front of the monitor)
Me : *let out a a loud, long sigh*
Labels: Family, Ikmal
Encik Batman + Encik Wolverine ? Ini lagi best drp. Dark Claw!!!
Every great magic trick consists of three acts. The first act is called "The Pledge"; the magician shows you something ordinary, but of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn"; the magician makes his ordinary something do something extraordinary. Now if you're looking for the secret... you won't find it, that's why there's a third act called, "The Prestige"; this is the part with the twists and turns, where lives hang in the balance, and you see something shocking you've never seen before.
~ Cutter (as played by Michael Caine) on The Prestige

Filem: The Prestige (2006)
Di mana: GSC Berjaya Times Square
Hari: Jumaat, 20 Oktober 2006
Masa: 12.15pm
Aik, bulan puasa pun gi tengok wayang?
Aku tau ini bulan Ramadhan dan aku tidak sepatutnya menjejakkan kaki ke panggung wayang, at least sehingga lepas raya, but the temptation is far too strong. Dengan dua ex- superhero bf’s aku (Encik Batman dan Encik Wolverine) dan wanita hidup terseksi 2006 menurut majalah Esquire, serta Alfred si butler, siapa boleh resist ? (Tambahan pulak dah penghujung hari bekerja, semua orang dalam mood raya dan tiketnya cuma RM8 sahaja!).
Ok, filem ni pasal apa?
Filem arahan Christopher Nolan (Memento, Batman Begins) ini mengisahkan tentang Alfred Borden a.k.a The Professor (Bale) dan Rupert Angier a.k.a The Great Danton (Jackman) yang merupakan dua sahabat yang sama2 bekerja sebagai perantis untuk seorang ahli silap mata, sehinggalah pada suatu ketika, Borden telah melakukan satu kesilapan yang meragut nyawa isteri Angier (yang juga merupakan pembantu kepada ahli silap mata tersebut). Sejak berlakunya peristiwa itu, masing2 membawa haluan sendiri, membuat pertunjukan2 silap mata secara solo, sementara seorang lagi cuba mensabotaj pertunjukan tersebut (with appropriate disguises, of course). Perbalahan, dendam serta persaingan untuk menjadi ahli silap mata terhandal antara kedua2 rival ini sangat hebat, masing2 sanggup melakukan apa saja demi mendapatkan rahsia bagaimana sesuatu trick itu dibuat, sehingga sanggup mengorbankan apa yang disayangi (terutama trick terhebat yang diperkenalkan oleh Borden iaitu The Transported Man).

How’s the acting?
Ah, Bale tidak pernah menghampakan aku. Beliau membawa watak Alfred, ahli silap mata kelas bawahan dengan begitu baik sekali (and not to mention he gets to use his Cockney accent, wheeeee!!!!!). Jackman, hmmm… aku suka melihat wataknya yang begitu obsessed untuk menumpaskan lawannya, sehingga sanggup berbuat apa saja. Scarlett Johannson? Ah watak tempelan sahaja, imho. Aku lebih suka Rebecca Hall yang memegang watak Sarah, isteri kepada Alfred.

Babak terbest ?
Ironinya aku suka melihat bagaimana perkahwinan Alfred dengan Sarah menjadi retak (walaupun masing2 saling mencintai), semata2 kerana Alfred tidak bersedia untuk berkongsi rahsia silap matanya hatta dengan isterinya sekalipun (juga mungkin kerana kehadiran orang ketiga- Olivia (Johannson), tapi everything is not what it seems. And, also, be prepared for the twisted ending! Gila. The ending, which I will say ‘wtf? ending’ but in a good, spine-chilling way. *shudder *. Rasanya aku nak cari novel Christopher Priest ni soon.
Aku bagi : Two thumbs up. *****/*****. Definitely an Oscar material.
PS: Dan seperti yang aku jangka, Encik Alfred akan sentiasa memihak kepada Bruce Wayne ;)Labels: Films
Thursday Thirteen #4

13 perkara yang membuat air mata aku bergenang menjelang Aidil Fitri
1. Mendengar takbir raya.
2. Mengenangkan yang aku tidak fully utilize Ramadhan kali ini. ;( serta memikirkan apakah aku sempat bertemu Ramadhan yang akan datang.
3. Mendengar berita tentang jumlah kemalangan maut yang tak pernah tak ada setiap hari raya serta kemalangan akibat mercun.
4. Memikirkan saudara2 seIslam kita di Iraq atau Lebanon yang kurang bernasib baik, dan terpaksa menyambut Aidil Fitri dengan dentuman bom dan bedilan peluru, sedangkan masyarakat kita sanggup membakar duit (read: berbelanja besar) semata2 untuk mendengar bunyi dan letupan mercun yang sama kuatnya.
5. Iklan Raya Petronas. Sebenarnya, bukan iklan Raya je, malah iklan Gong Xi Fa Cai atau Hari Kebangsaan, man, they’re so good, they hurt me deep inside.
6. Mengenangkan saudara mara dan sahabat handai yang telah pergi.
7. Mendengar berita di TV1, tentang dua pasangan suami ister yang uzur, tetapi tidak layak menerima bantuan daripada JKM kerana mereka mempunyai 8 ORANG ANAK. Dan tak seorang pun ada hati untuk menjenguk kedua ibu bapa mereka yang sudah uzur walaupun kedua2 orang tua tersebut telah bersusah payah membina rumah yang agak besar untuk mereka jika pulang ke kampung. Wtf? Aku cuma berdoa yang anak aku takkan buat aku macam ni bila aku tua nanti.
8. Melihat lautan manusia di Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman yang berpusu2 membeli belah di saat terakhir (sigh… terpaksa juga, sebab tahun ni aku ingin sangat melihat Ikmal lengkap dengan baju Melayu, bersamping, bersongkok serta bercapal)…
9. … dan melihat baju2 raya anak aku lebih mahal daripada baju raya aku (yang dibeli ketika jualan murah di Nagoya) Betul le kata orang, raya memang untuk anak-anak.
10. Menonton siaran solat tarawikh dari Makkah, serta mendengar bacaan ayat2 suci Al-Quran yang sungguh menusuk kalbu…
11. …serta berfikir, bila la aku dapat menjejakkan kaki ke tanah suci…
12. … dan berfikir yang sekali lagi, hasrat aku untuk khatam Quran di bulan Ramadhan tidak kesampaian (bersemangat pada awal2 Ramadhan je).
13. Memikirkan yang buat kesekian kalinya aku terpaksa beraya di KL bersama2 keluarga Abah Ikmal (aku akan balik ke Muar juga, tapi lambat sikit la). Sorry mak & ayah :( Walaucamne pun, aku dah terbiasa dengan perkara ni, sebab my MIL tinggal sorang jek sejak pemergian my FIL last Ramadhan, dan beliau takde anak perempuan. Aiman tak kisah la…

Untuk semua pembaca, blogger, lurker serta semua sahabat handai online dan real life, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin jika selama ini ada kata2 yang membuat anda tersinggung atau terasa hati. Dan berhati-hatilah ketika berada di jalan raya. Biar lambat asalkan sempat dan selamat. Have fun on this festive season, jangan membazir dan semoga rahmat bulan Ramadhan berkekalan sehingga Syawal dan bulan2 berikutnya.Labels: Meme, Thursday Thirteen
Tolong Cubit Lengan Aku Sekali Lagi, Kawan.

Di mana ?: 8tv
Bila ?: Ini malam (18 Oktober 2006)
Pukul berapa ?: 10 pm (just nice, selepas terawih)
Kudapan ? : Onde2 buah melaka baki2 berbuka
Pergh! \(^_^)/ Yippee!!!
(menonton filem kegemaran aku di saluran TV nasional adalah sangat2 berlainan perasaannya berbanding menonton sendirian. Oh yes, aku dah ada versi Potongan Pengarah, tapi belum sempat tengok lagi)
Labels: Films
Venus Envy? Me?
Sebentar tadi,
My immediate superior (MIS): (in a hush-hush tone) Hey Zack, Zack, mari sini.
(aku ingatkan dia ada terjumpa error ke hapa dalam report aku)
Me: Yup. Ada apa?
MIS: You tengok ni. (sambil menunjukkan aku secara sembunyi2) Ni dua line kan?
Me: Hallamak? You gotta be kidding, man!
MIS: Yelah. I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry.
Me: Okay la tu. Phew, that was fast! No protection whatsoever?
MIS: Nope. (from her grin, I know she’s happy) Tapi kesian la kat my daughter, baru 7 bulan lebih.
Me: Ala, nak heran apa. Ada sorang member I tu, dapat anak after I dapat Ikmal, la ni dah tiga orang (you know who you are la)
MIS: (sambil mengira2 di kalender) Hmmm… maybe due June kot. Eh, you jangan cakap ngan orang ye.
Me: Haha, (nada bergurau, sambil tergelak) la ni jugak I call Tingkat 15 (ofis Enche’ W)! Hmmm, habih la I lepas ni jadi target baru dia pulak! (sambil berjalan ke kubikel aku yang terletak di depan kubikel dia).
MIS: (gelak lagi)
Hmm… I dunno whether to laugh or to cry. But deep inside, aku rasa macam semua internal organ aku kena carik-carik dengan kuku adamantium, dan kemudian dicurah dengan garam masakan. Yeah. Exactly macam tu.Labels: Motherhood, Personal
Therapeutic Activities
Tak perasan pulak aku dah kena tag dengan Adreen at midori-desu dot blogspot dot com.
Top 10 of **other means untuk distract kepala otak aku yg under pressure. (Yang nih tak kira aku kat ofis atau kat rumah.)
1. Sleep

Image from arts.uwaterloo.ca
Kalau kat ofis, time office hour, aku suka tido berdiri dalam toilet (Kes desperate gila). Dan kalau lunch hour yang extra panjang, you can find me under my desk, snuggling with my mom’s cushion while listening to the holy Quran recital on my CPU (yup, CPU aku kat bawah meja).
2. Makan
Semestinya comfort foods macam cakes, chocolate, ice-cream or ice-blended coffee from Coffee Bean.

3. Watch my screen saver
Just sit back and let the PC goes into screen saver mode (gambar you-know-who lah)
4. Telefon kengkawan
Just to keep up to date atau share latest story, pasal kerja, pasal anak, pasal anything under the sun…
5. Blogging
I pour my head and heart contents to my blog, supaya RAM kepala aku ringan sikit.
6. Spending time with my son.
Tak kira sama ada membaca, bermain, dancing, lepak, tido, anything, just me and him. Screw la pinggan yang belum berbasuh, baju yang belum berlipat, sebab yang penting ialah masa dengan anak. (I can do the chores when he’s asleep).
7. Laundry
I got instant gratification just from washing, drying, folding and tucking in the week’s laundry.
8. Catch up with my reading
Anything, just anything I can lay my hands on.
9. Layan DVD
10. Sleep some more. ;)
**selain aktiviti rohaniah yang wajib dan sunat.Labels: Meme, Wentworth Miller
10 Things About The Gathering On Friday The 13th
1. (di padam atas sebab2 keselamatan) :P
2. Kak Swan (spaces.msn.com/reflections888) is the sweetest lady I’ve ever met. Walaupun kami tak pernah berjumpa face to face sebelum nih, kami berborak macam old friends yang dah lama tak jumpa!
3. Rambut Yatt (arapayung dot blogspot) mengingatkan aku kepada Michael Scofield.
4. Paling best ialah bila berborak dengan Kak Swan dan Nadia (silverheadbanger dot blogspot) tentang keluarga dan anak2.
5. Terima kasih kepada Don (ayobkelubi dot blogspot) dan Nazim Masnawi (romankodian dot blogspot) di atas courtesy call yang mengatakan mereka tak dapat hadir.
6. Tekaan kami tentang nama sebenar Edd Vedder (Hussin?) ternyata meleset. You’ve got a lovely name, Edd.
7. Edd datang dengan seorang kawan iaitu Cik Suen (hypnotized dot blogspot) (correct me if I’m wrong Edd, Cik Suen yang nih ke?)
8. Yatt seorang yang kelakar, terutama apabila bercerita tentang pengalamannya ketika di UiTM dulu! (Pasai bas mini, bas 222, Kolej Perindu, etc. Seriously, aku pun tak boleh ingat kenangan2 manis tu weh!)
9. I really appreciate K Swan yang sanggup meredah traffic gila kat Bukit Bintang nih untuk hadir dan memberikan aku my first birthday present, walaupun beliau tak dapat join kitaorang untuk berbuka puasa. All because of my ficklemindedness.* hangs head in shame * Sorry semua. Pardon my over-enthusiasm. :(
10. Reminder to self – Zack has to step away from the PC and start meeting and conversing with REAL human beings, REAL people of flesh and blood. Sigh… I dunno bila last time aku makan2 ngan orang selain my hubby and son, sebab most of the time I’m a loner, makan sorang2, kekadang tak makan langsung dan melangut depan PC sampai kena migraine. Ya, aku rasa aku dah jadi socially inept nerd di tahap tertinggi….:(
Feel free to add your two sen, guys! Dan berbanyak terima kasih di atas kesudian korang menjemput aku, serta hadir dalam perjumpaan kali nih! Labels: Achtung, Personal
I’m In A Different League Now, People!
The League of the 30-somethings, that is! Since this is my birthday post, I’ll put every single wish I’ve received, *here*. Enjoy, Zack!

Along comel happy besdey 2 u dr mak dan ayah semoga along sentiasa sihat walafiat – Mom via sms (Mom's sms came a tad too late, i.e 9.30 pm. Aku dah nak merajuk, ingatkan aku jadi macam Samantha Baker dalam Sixteen Candles :(, but the fact is, my father has reminded my sister Ija, to wish me a Happy Birthday on behalf of the whole family, A DAY before my birthday. Poyo punya Ija, tak bagi tau aku!) Takpelah, lagipun aku lahir pukul 9.00 malam...mom knows best, what!

Happy birthday! – Sofia via sms
Happy 30th birthday may ure wish comes true .. Dah agak tua tapi still cool - Shida via sms (Tua? Oleh kerana kau kata aku cool, aku maafkan kau, Shida)
Happy birthday 2 u! – K Elly via sms

Hepi birthday tu yu.. Hepi birthday tuyu.. Bangun.. – Ija via sms (sms sampai masa aku nak habis sahur)
A’kum cousin. Happy 30th bday & have a blissful year! Ampun & maaf 4 any wrongdoings. Take care! – Cousin Dr. Azlin via sms
B’day kau arini ke besok? Anyway. Welcome to the 30 somethng club. Hapy birthday 2 u. – the newest member. – Faiz via sms

Ok sempat la nak bg pressie, card pun akak dah buat 2am this morning bru siap pergh if its for u its worth it! – K Swan via sms
Kak Swan via sms(Kak Swan gave me a lovely home-made birthday card and a gorgeous pashmina shawl. Thank you vvv much, Kak!)

Hello Zack,
We at House M.D. Boards would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
administration@house-boards.com via e-mail
HAPPY BDAY!Reload on & within 3days before/after BDay for 50% bonus.SELAMAT HARIJADI! Isisemula pd&dlm masa 3hari sebelum/selepas Harijadi utk 50% bonus – DiGi via sms (Oh ya, sebelum aku terlupa. Sudahkah anda mendaftar nombor handphone prepaid anda? You have until 15th December to do so!)And just because...(I've waited like, 4 months to put up this particular video. Hawt!)"The word I'd use to describe Wentworth is egoless. When you're the star of a hit show, nominated for Golden Globe, it would be easy to think it was all about you. But Wentworth refuses to be like that. I have seen girls go crazy for him -- they say they want to have his children. He handles it with profound grace. It's the same with his acting. He doesn't have to do a lot to convey a lot. For example, in one scene [my character] Sara lets it slip that it's her birthday, and Michael says 'Happy birthday.' When we shot it, Wentworth chose to say it at a moment when I wasn't looking at him. I didn't realize what he'd done until I watched it. He conveyed so much tenderness, it was so poignant, because she missed it all. We were watching the episode together, and when I saw that I turned to him and said, 'Awww. I might have a crush on you." -- costar Sarah Wayne Callies, TV Guide June 19-25, 2006
Thank you all vvv much, including those who called to wish me and those who wished me in person! *Muahs!*
Labels: Achtung, Personal, Wentworth Miller
Assalamualaikum everybody! ULTIMATE LATEST UPDATE !!!!!
Setelah mendapat mandat drp. penganjur utama, Encik Yatt, we're sticking to the original plan. Me, Edd, Yatt, Nadia & K. Swan. Kalau ada yg lelain nak join atau organise a new one, silakan, but then aku tak janji yg aku dapat attend, ok. Thanks a lot, people!
Memandangkan ramai yang cannot make it sebab ada prior arrangement, apa kata kalau kita postpone next week on Monday or Tuesday? What say you? Any other suggestions? Yatt, Nadia & Kak Swan, how about you guys? And, ada sesiapa tak yg nak volunteer jadi organiser ? (maksud aku, kalau tempat yang dicadangkan tu agak jauh ke, mahal ke, etc). Just drop your suggestions here, ok!
Sesapa yang free hari ni dan takde apa2 plan untuk berbuka puasa, come join us!
Venue : Food Court, Lot 10
Masa : TBC (most probably petang la)
So far, Insya Allah, yang dah confirm:
1. Moi (mamaikmal dot blogspot)
2. Yatt ( arapayung dot blogspot)
3. Nadia (silverheadbanger dot blogspot)
4. Edd Vedder (eddvedder dot blogspot)
5. K. Swan (spaces.msn.com/reflections888)
For more info, pls write at the comments section or you can call moi at 016-6xxxxxx or Yatt (019-6xxxxxx). I will add to the list as and when korang confirm nak datang, ok!
And just a note, this is open to all - readers/ stalkers/ lurkers/ bloggers/ friends. The more the merrier, tapi kalau tak ramai, takpelah. Aiman tak kisah. Maaf kalau aku tak dapat nak menjemput kesemua sekali secara personal. If you think you're free, and no idea nak buka kat mana, join la. Kalau ada cadangan ke, whatever pun, pls leave 'em at the comments, kay!

Thank you ols and selamat berpuasa!
Labels: Achtung
Thursday Thirteen #3

13 Things about My Favourite Malaysian Magazine. Ever.
An update of the letter which I’ve sent to the mag somewhere in 1994/95 (Damn! Of all the letters, I forgot to put the date for this one), and the guys at Galaxie awarded it as the Best Letter of the fortnight (what? No prizes, eh?). The first ten is as per original letter, and I add the 3 new ones.
1. It’s the cheapest entertainment magazine in town.
Back in the early 1990’s, you can get Galaxie for a mere RM1.50 (a dream come true for students with meager allowance like moi), which is by far the cheapest magazine in town, compared to other local entertainment magazines like URTV, Media Hiburan, Hype, etc. Nowadays, it’s selling at RM3 per issue, and for me, is still very cheap considering that the paper is of high quality!
2. There’s always a guy on the cover

Which is why I always buy it. Some of the notable cover-dudes are Johnny Depp, Hugh Jackman (as Wolverine) and Viggo Mortensen, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed till the day they put Wentworth Miller on the cover.
3. The posters are gorgeous!

And not to mention the annual poster issue – jam-packed with more than 60 posters of both local and international stars and also movie posters (YAY!) – all at the same ole price of RM3! I still keep those posters at home ‘coz I feel too ‘sayang’ to throw them out. The last time I browsed thru’ them, there are still posters of 911, Boyzone, The Spice Girls, Ricky Martin and whatnot, and I used them to decorate the kitchen shelves and cabinets. And as for the irritating logos/ ringtones ads, I just cut them up and paste 'em on empty milk cans and make them into colourful pen stand. Talk about recycling!
4. There are lots of competitions (sic).
Ahem, contests is more proper la Zack. I’ve got loads of CD’s and cassettes thru the various contests in the mag.
5. It’s an alternative humour magazine.
Two words – Suzie Says.
6. It publishes my letters… though not all, but thank you.
And I still keep them in a folder (all 16 of them!), decorated with the subjects of the letter. The very first one was published on 15th January 1994, and it was aptly titled – BONKERS OVER FORD - I was ahem, smitten by Harrison Ford at that time, after watching The Fugitive on the big screen with Coy (babynwatashi dot blogspot) who introduced me to this wonderful magazine sometime after SPM.
7. I can sing along as I read it.
The lyrics pages la.
8. I’ve made new buddies through Make A Friend
9. It covers the whole world and doesn’t forget our local stars.

Like this issue on Akademi Fantasia (even though I don’t even follow the show), but imho, this double spread on AF contestants is one of the best issue featuring our local stars.
10. It’s got the best team on Earth!
Albeit some changes in the editorial team, the writers and contributors are doing a great job (I found the two Punithas pretty fascinating!). I kinda missed Steven Patrick though (last seen in a biscuit ad on TV, I think). And guess what? The staff writer in charge of the Go East section (previously Far East) is a Malay lady! I’ve always admired those articles and interviews by Noorsila Abdul Majid, and I think she speaks and reads Chinese better than some of my Chinese friends.
11. They featured my favorite celeb!
Ahem, too bad this is too sexay, otherwise I’d put it in my cubicle.
And from the letters page in the latest issue – Keep an eye out for the upcoming issues because we’ll have something on Wentworth Miller soon. Yippee!!!!
12. They’re like Madonna- a chameleon that keeps reinventing itself.

Just look at the masthead, the cover layout, the paper quality and the contents. There’s practically everything for everybody! Alternative music fan, bookworms, Bollywood fans, Korean/ Japanese series fans, movie fans, game fans - you’ll get everything in just one magazine!
13. It’s more than just a magazine – it’s a companion
My father sent me the magazine via post when I first did my diploma in ITM and wasn't too familiar with the area (back in 1994) and my sister gladly bought me the AF2 issue when I was hospitalized for pneumonia in 2004. Galaxie has always been there for me, thru’ high school, university, work, marriage and now motherhood. Even though I don’t really relate to the newer celeb like LiLo, Paris Hilton and whatnot, reading the magazine always make me feel like conversing with an old friend.
Keep up the good work, guys!
Zack, KL
(Fan since November 1993)PS: Whatever happened to your website? And where is the annual poll?
Editor’s note (on original letter)
You know, some people might think bestowing a letter like yours with our top honour is a bit like patting ourselves on the back, blowing our own horn, inflating our ego even. Well, to them we say…Nyah-nyah-nyah, you sad losers!
Labels: Meme, Printed Materials, Thursday Thirteen
BBTP. Again.
image from JustJared.comFrom Entertainment Weekly,
“He wanted to do a shot in a tux,'’ says photographer Brian Bowen Smith, who praised the Prison Break star for his unusually laid-back attitude in front of the camera. ‘’It was basically an idea of his and mine together. I thought it would be kind of cool to do it old-school, Hollywood-style. He’s so perfect that you don’t have to do much.'’ After starting the session with Miller’s tuxedo buttoned and the tie knotted, Smith ultimately got him to loosen up. ‘’I said, ‘Just f— it up. Unbutton your shirt, lean back in the chair like you don’t give a f—. Don’t pose, just sit there.” Selamat berbuka puasa semua.
Labels: Wentworth Miller
*Just A Long, Loud Sigh*

Labels: Personal
Just Because My Birthday's Coming...
Ok, ok, aku mengaku yang aku masih ada hati pada dia. So, sue me! (I can’t help it. I’m too weak. And he's...he's TOO pretty...) :)

Pic from justjared.com
Sigh… I’m gonna hit the big 3-0 this Saturday. I think you’re right, Faiz. Aku pun dah macam terasa my mid-life crisis already :(
And for all October babies, have a very, very happy birthday!!! Especially to Ikmal Haniff, permata hati mama, my cousin Alin, Shida, Faiz, K. Elly, my brother Azri, Syed Azlan aka Arab, dan semua yang lahir dalam bulan Oktober!
Anyway, aku dapat ni thru email…
If you were born between September 23rd and October 23rd, you are a Libra Woman.
Physical Appearance
Of all the signs, Libra has the maximum share of beautiful women. You are tall with a proportional body. Your limbs are slender but strong. You are attractive, graceful and courteous.
Mental Attitude
You are a levelheaded person. With your fruitful imagination and intellectual capacity you successfully win over the hearts. On the negative side, you are a nagger. You may have negative thoughts and often this may leads to strong depressions.
General Nature
You posses some supreme power in yourself. Use it for some constructive purpose. Libran's have a spiritual bent of mind. Quite close to peace and harmony. Evade getting into unnecessary troubles. Never intend to hurt the feelings of others and therefore, is famous in the group. Trading is the natural vocation for you. You will earn lots of money and fame & will play in profits. You are quite lazy in your life and believes in one sided relationship, where you becomes a loser and people at the next door gains.
Libran females do not have a well-developed immunity system. Infectious of various kinds will trouble you through out the life. Kidneys, liver and uterus are some of the weak areas for Libra born.
Due to very good business sense you will play in profits. Your needs will also be substantially more than ordinary females. So you will earn and spend it as well. Will be able to make some valuable assets in your life time.
Romance And Sex Life
You are of a cheerful and adjustable nature. You will dress very well and will give a lot of the heed to perfumes you use and the surroundings you are in. This makes you very attractive to the opposite sex.
Libra women are experts in conversation and you like to talk a lot. You can talk effectively about anything under the sun. The idea of romance in your mind includes a lot of talking.
You have a very strong need of company of the opposite sex. Hence, you will be prepared to be a bit out of way to get the man that pleases your eye. You are full of romantic blues therefore, fail to see the real qualities initially and may repent later on. Either you are a sincere lover who will marry the same guy whom you have liked too or your parents might have chosen. Or you are fun loving changeable lover-who will try to trap every male that suits your eye. As it is very difficult for males to resist you, you may have number of short affairs. Small of the back and buttocks are the hot spots for you.
Your deep desire for companionship may lead in early marriage. In your home life, you will tend to be very nice and peace loving. You can create a home which is glamorous and at the same time comfortable.
You are tactful, thus, you won’t let any inter-personal tension in your family. You are always successful in keeping your surroundings happy and cheerful. You can plan the finances of your house in such a manner that all have enough and you can save too, especially for short trips to beautiful places.
Ideal Match
Leo, Gemini and Aquarius born are best suitable for you.
You spend beyond from your means on luxuries things and thus, may face financial problems later on. You cherish pleasure in your life, and this may also ruin you in the long run. You may develop an attitude where you covet other's to go out of their ways and help you. While you are never prepared to take any pains. This can lead to problems with all whom you deal with and may cause frustration and depressions to you.
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colors
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday & Saturday are lucky days for you. Your lucky numbers are:- 1, 2, 4 and 7. And lucky color's are:- White, Red & Orange.
Recommended Gemstones
Blue Sapphire and Diamond are the lucky gemstones for you. The gem that you wear should have a vibrant aura and should never been used before. The weight of the gemstone shall be decided as per your body weight and age.
Ahem, 90% aku rasa ada betulnya.
Labels: Personal, Wentworth Miller
Waste Not, Want Not
Semalam aku kemas peti sejuk lagi. Buang sebungkus mee rebus. Beberapa plastik buah melaka yang tinggal 2-3 biji yang kononnya nak makan selepas balik terawih. Satu tipuware buah betik yang dah kecut. Satu plastik bubur chacha yang dah tak rupa bubur chacha dah. Sedih sangat tengok makanan2 yang tak habis dimakan. Kalau dikumpul2 dan hantar ke negara2 yang mengalami masalah kebuluran, pasti bisa membuat satu atau dua keluarga kenyang sampai hari esok. Dan kalau kat kampung, boleh jugak aku bagi ayam, tapi dah dok KL ni, nak cari ayam kat mana? KFC? Kenny Rogers? At least kalau ayam/ ikan yang tak habis aku bagi kat kucing jiran, walaupun dia selalu aje menjadikan depan rumah aku jamban tak rasminya. Ya Allah, ampunkan dosa kami, yang selalu saja menjadi saudara syaitan…:(
Moralnya: Kawal nafsu makan ketika membeli juadah berbuka puasa. Kalau nampak cam sedap sangat sesatu kuih tu, beli seketul. Cukup. Unless you wanna exchange with your neighbours. Kalau camtu lagi berkat.

Gambar dari chicsinred.groovylicious.com
PS: Aku dapat tau si TipahVogue ada bukak blog baru yang berbau ala2 Bersamamu TV3. Kalau berhajat menderma secara ikhlas, lawatlah ke http://projeksyawal.blogspot.comSemoga Allah berkati usaha kalian!
Labels: Personal
Why TV3 and 8tv? Why?
Di atas sebab2 yang aku sendiri tak tau, TV3 dan 8tv masing2 menayangkan dua siri sci-fi baru pada hari yang sama dan waktu yang sama- Khamis, 9.30 malam. Wth? Kenapa tak clash ngan siri Puteri ke, Kawan ke, why, why, why must you air these awesome shows at the same friggin’ time???
Di 8tv ada citer apa?

Invasion. Siri alien invasion hasil tulisan dan ciptaan Shaun Cassidy, pelakon otai 70-an, yang mana some of you may remember him as Joe Hardy from the Hardy Boys series, dan juga creator siri American Gothic yang menampilkan Lucas Black sebagai pelakon cilik (ala, budak Sean Boswell dalam Tokyo Drift tu). Siri ni dihentikan setakat satu season saja, kerana khabarnya tak dapat menandingi rating yang tinggi daripada siri Lost.
Apa yang bestnya?
Aku suka siri ni sebab, well, it’s obvious. Ada alien, ada sci-fi elements, ada sheriff yang spooky tapi karismatik (Sheriff Tom Underlay lakonan William Fichtner, yang sekarang memegang watak Agen Mahone dalam musim kedua Prison Break), that’s good enough for moi. Walaupun watak2 lain semuanya agak klise dan stereotyped DAN annoying gila, terutama si Larkin Grove tu. Watch it and you’ll know what I mean.
Kat TV3 pulak?

Siri Surface, yang dihentikan setakat 15 episod aje (lagi sucks sebab tergantung camtuh jek, cam Point Pleasant. Atau Firefly. Tapi Firefly rocks sebab dah disambung menerusi komik dan the BDM). Siri yang mengisahkan tentang munculnya sejenis makhluk aneh dari dasar laut, yang mana memberi impak kepada kehidupan watak2 utamanya (seorang marine biologist, seorang ajen insuran dan seorang remaja lelaki)
Apa yang bestnya?
Biasa la. Makhluk aneh yang besar dari dasar laut (walaupun si Nimrod tu nampak agak cheesy, ala2 dinosaur dalam Dinotopia). Aku memang fascinated dengan hidupan2 akuatik ni, terutama yang jarang dijumpai, sebab lautan amat luas dan dalam dan kita tak tahu apa2 lagi makhluk ciptaan Allah s.w.t yang berkongsi planet bumi dengan kita ni.

Ian Anthony Dale yang memegang watak sebagai Davis Lee. Kinda reminds me of an Asian Michael Scofield (appearance-wise la, character-wise, none can beat my Pretty).
Rasanya aku kena cari DVD siri2 ni pulak la…(sigh...mak baru jek beli House MD Season 1 & 2)
Labels: TVgasm
Thursday Thirteen #2

13 Benda Yang Aku Kumpul
1. Duit
Obviously. Tapi jangan lupa untuk menghulur kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Aku kumpul sejak mula memasuki alam pekerjaan. Koleksi sekarang – rahsia la.
2. Saham akhirat
World, world juga. Akhirat jangan lupa.
3. Setem
Sejak 1986. In fact, aku masih ada lagi buku setem yang aku beli masa darjah 4 dulu, yang mana aku mintak tolong one of my friends, Rina Salwani, tulis nama aku, sebab masa tu, budak yang mempunyai tulisan tercantik dalam kelas aku ialah Rina (aku rasa beliau sekarang menjadi seorang doktor di Ireland, menurut kakaknya yang aku jumpa semasa wedding aku dulu) dan Coy (babynwatashi dot blogspot). Aku tak lupa kirim pada sesiapa yang berkunjung ke luar negara, dan semasa aku di audit firm dulu, aku mintak tolong kakak cleaner tu simpankan aku setem2 yang dibuang. Koleksi sekarang – 3 full albums dan satu balang lagi loose stamps (> 100 pcs) yang aku masih belum sempat masukkan dalam album.
4. Funky T-shirts
Aku memang lemah dengan t-shirt2 funky, terutama t-shirt bundle. Kekadang aku pakai sampai koyak, mcm t-shirt Hooters berwarna biru muda aku tuh. Latest addition ialah t-shirt ni yang aku beli di pasar malam dengan harga RM5 jek (masa tu aku tengah gila Prison Break), tapi sampai la ni aku masih lum berani pakai lagi, sebab tatau sapa empunya terdahulu, hehe… (mana la tau, si empunya tu serial killer ke, perogol ke, mati la mak kalau jadi macam Denzel Washington dalam filem Fallen). Koleksi sekarang – approx. 30 helai.
5. Fridge magnets
Aku tak sure apa impak fridge magnet pada operation peti sejuk aku, tapi aku harap2 tak rosak. I love these things so much, that I would buy ANYTHING yang ada percuma fridge magnet. Dan tak lupa mengirim pada member2 jika berkunjung ke dalam dan luar negara.
Koleksi sekarang – approx. 50.
6. Teddy bear kecik
Aku sebenarnya memang tak suka stuffed toys, tapi aku suka teddy bear yang kecik2 (approx. 7 inches), yang datang free dengan ubat gigi/ deodorant, etc. Aku letak di kubikel di ofis. Koleksi sekarang – 7 ekor.
7. Books
Kerana aku suka membaca. Dan berhajat memiliki sebuah mini library bila aku berpindah ke rumah betul aku nanti. Juga untuk inculcate minat membaca di kalangan anak/ anak-anak aku sejak mereka kecik lagi. Aku ada buku dari hampir semua genre, kecuali romance. Koleksi sekarang – satu kabinet tinggi dan dua kabinet mini.
8. Hot Wheels
Sejak aku perkenalkan kereta kepada Ikmal, aku sendiri pun sama terminat dengan kereta2 miniature nih. Aku kumpul bukan secara professional, mcm mamat ni…

sebab semuanya dah dibuka bungkusannya. La ni jadi permainan Ikmal, dan aku suka susun di atas kabinet. Aku juga join hotwheelcollectors.com. Koleksi sekarang – approx. 100 buah. Dan filem Highway 35 on VCD.
Gambar dari hotwheelcollectors.com
9. Mainan Happy Meal McDonalds
Aku kumpul sejak di ITM lagi (masa buat diploma), dengan harapan bila aku dah ada anak nanti, aku tak payah spend banyak sangat untuk belikan dia toys (sangkaan yang meleset sama sekali). Tapi sejak tengok Supersize Me, aku dah kurang sikit, kalau tak, dulu, every week aku akan makan Happy Meal semata2 sebab nak dapatkan mainannya jek. Sekarang aku cuma beli fries, dan beli mainannya saja. Latest collection- watak2 filem Cars (kecuali Sally jek aku tak dapat beli sebab dah habis) dan dua permainan Sega. Koleksi sekarang – entah. Tak ingat. Ada la dalam dua tiga bakul gamaknya.
10. Packrat stuffs
Seperti yang aku tampal di kubikel aku dalam pos terdahulu.
11. Pen/ Pensel
Setiap hotel ada pensel/ pennya yang unik. Selain itu, aku pun suka dapatkan pen/ pensel cenderamata setiap kali menghadiri kursus/ seminar/ exhibition. Unik. Aku paling suka pen Mandarin Oriental yang diperbuat daripada recycled paper. Koleksi sekarang – around 50.
12. Angpau raya
Aku mula berminat kumpul benda ni sejak tolong ayah aku kirakan duit salam keruk masa adik aku kawin hari tu. Yang menariknya, ialah kita dapat lihat pelbagai jenis rekaan dari setahun ke setahun, terutama daripada bank2, serta angpau2 rare seperti Adidas. Koleksi sekarang - >100.
13. Leafy plants
More to a hobby actually. Aku suka pokok2 berdaun yang dibeli di sebuah nursery berhampiran Ampang Point.

Labels: Meme, Thursday Thirteen