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Friday, March 30, 2007
  Selamat Menyambut Maulidur Rasul 1428
Dari email...

Penawar Rasulullah Di Kala Kepenatan

Bagi mengatasi kepenatan melaksanakan tugas-tugas seharian sama ada di rumah mahu pun di tempat kerja, bolehlah jadikan petua yang diajar oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. kepada puteri kesayangannya Saidatina Fatimah sebagai penawarnya. Suatu hari Saidatina Fatimah mengadu kepada suaminya Saidina Ali bin Abu Talib tentang kesakitan pada tangannya kerana keletihan menggiling gandum untuk membuat roti. Saidina Ali berkata : "Bapa kamu telah datang membawa balik tawanan perang. Berjumpalah dia dan mintalah seorang khadam untuk membantu mu."

Saidatina Fatimah pergi bertemu bapanya dan menyatakan hasrat untuk mendapatkan seorang khadam bagi membantu tugas hariannya di rumah. Bagaimanapun Rasulullah s.a.w. tidak mampu memenuhi permintaan anak kesayangannya itu. Lalu Baginda s.a.w. pergi menemui puterinya serta menantu itu. Baginda s.a.w. berkata:

"Apa kamu berdua mahu aku ajarkan perkara yang lebih baik daripada apa yang kamu minta daripadaku? Apabila kamu berdua berbaring untuk tidur, bertasbihlah (Subhanallah) 33 kali, bertahmid (Alhamdulillah) 33 kali dan bertakbir (Allahuakbar) 33 kali. Ia adalah lebih baik untuk kamu berdua daripada seorang khadam."

Inilah penawar ringkas yang Nabi s.a.w. ajarkan kepada anak dan menantunya bagi meringankan keletihan dan kesusahan hidup mereka berdua. Saidina Ali terus mengulang-ulang kalimah-kalimah Rasulullah.s.a.w. ini.

Katanya:- "Demi Allah aku tidak pernah meninggalkannya semenjak ia diajarkan kepadaku."

Sayugia dicadangkan kepada ibu-ibu, suami-suami atau sesiapa sahaja yang merasai kepenatan setelah melakukan tugas-tugas harian supaya mengamalkan membaca 'Subhanallah' (33 kali), Alhamdulillah' (33 kali) dan 'Allahuakbar' (33 kali) pada setiap malam isitu sebelum melelapkan mata. Lakukanlah dengan penuh ikhlas dan istiqamah (berterusan), Insya-Allah, petunjuk Nabawi ini mampu menyelesaikan bebanan-bebanan hidup seharian kita. Akan terserlah ceria di wajah pada keesokan hari dengan senyuman.

Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda:

"Apabila Allah menyintai seorang hambanya, Allah akan memanggil malaikat Jibril dan berkata: Allah menyintai si fulan maka cintailah dia. Jibril pun menyintai hamba tersebut dan kemudian mengumumkan kepada penduduk langit dengan berkata: Sesungguhnya Allah menyintai si fulan maka cintailah dia. Semua penduduk langit pun menyintainya. Kemudian diletakkan penerimaan bagi hamba tersebut di bumi (maksudnya disenangi dan disayangi)."

(Hadis no.3209 riwayat Imam al-Bukhari dalam kitabnya Sahih al-Bukhari)




  My First Attempt at My Chemical Limerick :P
Lovely ink, Frank. Pic of Frankie from Flickr.com/photos/leman aka mandimike

Oh my mojo, where art thou?
Cause all I can think about is Frank Iero
And the awesome lick from the one with the ‘fro;
Plus the emo dude and his flamboyant bro;
And oh, that blond blue steel from Chicago.

Frank + one hot coffee = A slice of heaven :) ~ If this pic of Frank is yours, pls tell me so that I can credit you for it!

I think I failed miserably :P


  So, Kau Mau Cepat Kaya Ya?
Biasanya kalau aku dapat email2 sebegini, aku akan terus delete lepas membacanya, tetapi email cum newsletter yang aku dapat hari ni, seperti telah membaca fikiran aku dan meluahkan dalam tulisan yang amat bernas (sebab aku tak punya skills untuk menulis dengan begitu fluent.) Terima kasih Azizi Ali!

The excerpt from the email…

“I wrote about a certain 'investment' operating through the Internet last month. As expected, I received a couple of e-mails from the 'investors' of the scheme, telling me why I was wrong about the 'investment'. I have attached his e-mail and also my reply for your reading pleasure.

Have fun!”

Assalamualaikum Saudara Azizi,

Buat pertama kali setelah beberapa lama saya mengikuti tip-tip dan nasihat berguna daripada saudara, tiba-tiba terdetik rasa kurang hormat kepada saudara. Ini hanya kerana pendapat saudara tentang swisscash yang terlalu dangkal. Sebagai seorang yang menganggap diri sebagai seorang pakar/ profesional dalam memberi pandangan, sepatutnya pandangan dan nasihat tersebut datangnya daripada ilmu pengetahuan dan pengalaman mendalam saudara sendiri.

Dalam kes swisscash ini, tidak wajar jika saudara katakan bahawa daripada nama swisscash adalah bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian pelabur dengan nama switzerland sedangkan kebenarannya swisscash tidak pernah pun mengatakan bahawa mereka dari switzerland dalam website mereka. Swisscash adalah produk pelaburan oleh Swiss Mutual Fund (1948). Base mereka ialah di Republik Dominican dan pejabat operasi mereka juga di New York.

Lagi satu dakwaan saudara bahawa skim ini akan recycle duit adalah tidak tepat dan dakwaan bahawa jenis perniagaan atau pelaburan yang mereka jalankan tidak boleh diketahui oleh umum adalah tidak tepat kerana saudara boleh mendapat maklumat tersebut melalui website mereka.

Saya nasihatkan saudara cuba dulu melabur sedikit contoh usd100 atau jika tidak berminat silalah layari website grup kami untuk mendapat maklumat lanjut. Untuk makluman saudara, saya baru saja melabur sebulan tetapi income dah lebih 40%. Jangan hilangkan rasa hormat orang lain terhadap saudara hanya kerana pandangan saudara sesekali dangkal. TQ.

xxx@yahoo.com (email dicensor, tapi pada email yang aku dapat tu, tau la sapa, hehe)

And this is the reply from Azizi Ali,

Wa'alaikumsalam Tuan xxx,

If I say that Swisscash is the best investment in the world, would it make everything alright?

But how can I say such a thing when all the signs are showing that it is a Ponzi scheme? How can I say it when all the alarm bells are ringing and red flags are showing that it is a Ponzi scheme? So I cannot and will not say it because I know Get-Rich-Quick (GRQ)/Ponzi schemes will not do anyone good.

Here, you are either part of the problem or you are part of the solution. If you 'invest' in Ponzi schemes (even though the money may be just a token amount), then you are part of the problem. By staying out, then you are part of the solution.

In many ways, the GRQ schemes operating on the Internet are pretty much like the Superman movies. Everyone - except the actors in the movie - knows that Clark Kent is Superman. The signs are obvious: Kent and Superman are the same height, same size and heck, they even look the same. What's more, every time Kent is missing, Superman shows up. And every time Superman is around, Kent is not there. So the signs are obvious to everyone, except to the actors in the movie. They do not, cannot and will not see the signs.

Similarly, the signs showing that the GRQ schemes operating on the Internet (and off it as well) are scams are obvious to everyone, except to the voluntary victims. Just as the actors are blind to the fact that Clark Kent is Superman, the voluntary victims are blind to the fact that the GRQ schemes are scams. They do not, cannot and will not see the signs.

1. Semua skim Ponzi akan menggalakkan 'pelaburnya' merekrut pelabur' baru, kerana itulah cara utama mereka mendapatkan wang baru. (Itulah yang saudara sedang lakukan sekarang dengan meminta saya melabur diskim ini.) Tanpa 'pelabur-pelabur' baru, skim tersebut akan berkubur dengan cepat.

2. Pulangan yang dijanjikan adalah 20% (atau lebih) sebulan, yang bermakna 240% setahun! Pelabur-pelabur world class seperti Warren Buffett dan George Soros pun 'hanya' memberi pulangan 20 - 34% setahun! Adakah masuk akal orang yang tidak pernah dikenali dapat memberikan pulangan yang sebegitu tinggi? Kalau betul pula, sudah tentu semua media di dunia termasuk CNN, Fortune dan Forbes akan memberi liputan yang menyeluruh kepada pengurus dana tersebut. Kenapa tak ada? Takkanlah media dunia (yang tahu semua pelaburan lain) begitu buta dan tidak pernah mendengar pulangan yang sebegitu hebat?

3. Adakah masuk akal yang pelaburan yang baru dibuat satu bulan sudah boleh mendapat pulangan 20% bulan berikutnya? Semua pelaburan, termasuk yang paling untung sekalipun, memerlukan masa. Kalaulah 'pengurus' dana itu betul melaburkan wang dalam forex, hedge funds dan sebagainya, pelaburan tersebut pun tidak membayar hasilnya lepas satu atau dua bulan. Jadi kalau 'pengurus' sendiri tidak dapat hasil pulangan, macam mana dia hendak bayar orang lain? Dari mana datangnya wang tersebut? Jawapannya dari poin 13 di bawah.

4. 'Pengurus' dana hanya menyebut forex, hedge funds, kommoditi dan lain-lain (to impress people who wants to be impressed) tetapi tidak menerangkan dengan terperinci tentang pelaburan-pelaburan tersebut. Siapa pun boleh sebut - sebab cakap saja.

5. Sebab pelaburan itu ada di 'offshore' tidak bermakna yang pulangannya akan menggunung. Pelaburan di 'offshore' adalah sama sahaja dengan pelaburan di 'onshore' - mutual funds, unit trusts, fixed deposits dan sebagainya.

6. Anda sendiri baru sebulan membuat 'pelaburan' (ehm, ehm) dalam skim tersebut. Adakah itu bermakna anda seorang pakar dalam pelaburan dan orang lain yang tidak melabur dangkal?

7. Pendapat dan kata-kata anda bermakna ratusan pakar kewangan di Bank Negara, Suruhanjaya Sekuriti, Azizi Ali dan juga media massa Malaysia adalah salah! Saya tidak fikir kami salah.

8. Untuk pengetahuan anda, saya telah membuat kajian yang terperinci tentang pelaburan ini di Malaysia dan juga di negara-negara asing termasuk di UK, USA dan Eropah. Very, very few people have heard of Swisscash. Isn't that strange? Only Malaysians and Singaporeans (and a handful of others) seem to know about them. Could the rest of the world be so blind? Or could we be the ones who are being taken for a ride?

9. Sebagai seorang Chartered Financial Consultant, saya telah belajar tentang semua pelaburan di dunia. Saya juga telah membaca lebih 700 buah buku tentang kewangan. Further, I have studied about money and investments for the past 15 years. So I will reserve my comments about the 'dangkal' part.

10. Tidak ada seorang Financial Consultant yang bertauliah di dunia akan mengatakan pelaburan sebegini adalah valid kerana mereka tahu ianya skim Ponzi.

11. Semua 'pelabur' skim Ponzi akan berkata "Cuba dulu. Sikit saja. Belum cuba, belum tahu." Jawapan saya: Kenapa nak cuba jika anda tahu benda itu merbahaya? Kenapa nak cuba jika anda tahu benda itu membawa penyakit? You don't have to try drugs to know that it will bring serious consequences to you, your family and everybody else around you.

12. Semua jawapan yang diberikan oleh 'pelabur' Swisscash sekarang adalah sama sahaja seperti apa yang diberikan oleh 'pelabur' skim Pak Man Telo di tahun 1980an. The exact same answers - the local banks are jealous, the government don't understand the investment and the non-investors are blind for not investing in this 'golden' opportunity.

13. Anda mendapat pulangannya kerana wang itu datang daripada pelaburan orang-orang yang baru masuk dalam skim tersebut. The money is being recycled. Just as your 'investment' is being used to pay others before you. Situasi ini mungkin akan bertahan satu, dua atau tiga tahun, tetapi apa yang pasti ialah ianya akan berkubur juga apabila tiada 'pelabur' baru. Apabila ia berlaku, anda akan kehilangan semua wang anda.

14. Jika rakan anda memberikan anda wang daripada hasil rompakan, apakah anda akan terima wang tersebut? Jika rakan anda memberikan anda wang hasil daripada jualan dadah, apakah anda akan terima wang tersebut? Saya jangka anda akan menolak wang tersebut kerana tahu ianya hasil daripada kerja yang haram. Well, wang daripada skim Ponzi juga adalah salah dan pada pendapat saya adalah haram.

15. Anda boleh ambil harta anak kecil yatim piatu - kerana dia tidak berdaya untuk menghalang anda dan dia juga mungkin tidak faham situasi sebenar - tetapi apakah tindakan anda itu betul? Jika anda tahu benda itu tidak betul, apakah anda akan melakukannya kerana peluangnya ada di depan mata? Wang daripada skim-skim tersebut adalah daripada poket orang lain. Tiada usaha, tiada kerja dan tiada apa yang di 'value-added'. Apa yang pasti ialah semua mereka akan kehilangan wang akhirnya. Kini anda tahu situasi sebenar, adakah anda masih mahu melabur di skim sebegitu?

16. At the end of the day, it is your money. You do what you want with it. Just don't drag others into it.

Are we men of steel and character or are we made of straws that can be crushed by the flimsiest wind? I'd like to think the former, where we think and act rationally, especially when it comes to investments. Kita melabur hanya selepas membuat kajian yang teliti tentang pelaburan tersebut dan risiko-risikonya, dan juga mengambil kira keadaan kewangan kita. Of course we will make mistakes along the way (I made a few myself) but that is the very nature of investments. They come with risks. So it is no shame to lose.

But it is another story altogether when it comes to GRQ schemes. All the signs are there and all the alarm bells are ringing - including warnings from Bank Negara, the Securities Commission and now Azizi Ali.

Are we so blind not to see the obvious signs? Are we so desperate that we are willing to lose our money and even our dignity in the process?

Saya boleh menceritakan 1,001 sebab lagi (klik di bawah untuk lebih informasi) mengapa pelaburan yang dibincangkan adalah satu skim Ponzi, tetapi saya tahu ia merupakan usaha yang sia-sia - kerana anda sudah membuat keputusannya. So I will not confuse you with the facts further since your mind is already made up.


As for the 'respect' bit, Tuan xxx, I have never done anything in my life just to make people love and respect me. I do what I ove to do, give it all I've got, do the best that I can and tell things as it is. After that, whether people judge that I'm good or small or half good or half small is up to them. If they like what I do, then I'm happy. If they don't, then that's fine too. This is a free country.

While I can warn people about the dangers, I cannot stop anyone from throwing their money away. Again, at the end of the day, it is your money. You can do whatever you want with it, including giving it to con man.

I consider this matter closed.


Gosh. That is sooooo straight to the point!

So pls, kepada sesiapa yang suka forward kat aku email2 tentang skim cepat kaya, surat berantai and all these bullshit schemes, please think twice. Fikir la beb. Kau nak bagi anak isteri makan duit hasil daripada sumber yang kau sendiri tak tahu? Apa kes?

PS: Oh fellas, if you are interested to join the mailing list for Azizi Ali and subscribe to this newsletter, please send a blank email to: millionairescoach@getresponse.com.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
  Mid- March Updates!
Current mood : [Chirpy]
Current song : [The Kill - 30 Seconds To Mars]

Spring cleaning yo!

Semalam aku cuti. Ikmal demam dan aku pun tak larat gila. Entah ngapa sejak kebelakangan nih, weekend aku rasa macam berlalu begitu saja. I feel like I’m not accomplishing anything during those two days. Nak kata aku melangut depan PC pun, tak jugak, dan kalau nak kata aku leka tonton DVD pun, tak jugak, sebab husband aku dah simpan DVD player sebab Ikmal asyik nak nonton CD jek. Nak kata housework pun, well, rumah aku still bersepah gak. Ah, mungkin sebab aku banyak spend masa ngan anak aku kot? Reading, writing or simply playing together. Sigh… sori la Ikmal, kau masih anak tunggal mama, dan aku memang takde kawan rapat kalau dah balik rumah, unlike my SO (which is an AJK surau yang aktif bersukan dan juga seorang anak yang rapat dengan mak dia, which means, dia akan selalu ada aktiviti yang tak melibatkan aku). Sigh…

I need to get out more :-/

The Kids Are Alright

Ikmal Haniff ~ Bintang Kelakar (Ikmal’s latest pic)

The Ikmal Situation Part One

Aku tengah khusyuk basuh pinggan, when suddenly…

Ikmal: Mama! Mama! Saya tak boleh jalan!
Aku terperanjat gila, apa lak kena ngan anak aku ni, dan terus berlari ke depan.
Dalam bimbang2 tu, aku tanya dia : Kenapa Ikmal?
Katanya (siap dengan gaya berjalan macam robot) : Saya takde bateri.

Poyo betul.
Buat bimbang aku jek sebab dulu dia pernah kena cramp sampai jalan pun terhencut2. :P
Nampak gayanya gene loyar buruk aku memang sah tumpah ke anak aku.

The Ikmal Situation Part Deux

Satu hari yang indah…
Ikmal : Mama, saya nak tengok cerita yang sarung tangan merah tu.
Aku: Huh?
Ikmal: Ala, yang Mikey pakai sarung tangan merah tu.
Aku bukak PC dan cari kat folder aku. : Yang mana satu ni sayang?
Ikmal klik sendiri filename tu. Dan baru aku tau.
Aku : Oh, yang itu. Yang tu bukan Mikey la Ikmal. Yang tu Frankie.
Ikmal : Oh. Tu sapa?
Aku: Itu Bert McCracken.
Ikmal: Mikey main apa?
Aku: Dia main gitar bass tapi dalam ni dia main tamborin.
Ikmal: Kenapa dia tak main gitar, blablabla…
Aku: Tetap sabar menjawab setiap soalan anak aku, however absurd they may be.

(Video tu sekarang dah jadi faveret dia. MyChem + The Used, lagu Under Pressure masa kat MTV $2 Bill concert. Other than that, dia suka IDLY versi AOL Music. Nak tergelak aku tengok dia terkekeh2 tengok gaya Gerard nyanyi ngan penuh feeling).

Other people's kids, yo!

Danish Aiman

Oh ya, ini anak kawan aku, Shida dan Ezrien (B.Acc (Hons)) masa kat UITM dulu. Dah besar dah Aiman! Shida, rupa macam kau la!


Anak Kak Elly, my college mate masa kt UITM, also fellow rocker (tapi sekarang dah mellowed down dah)

Nashua, Adam and Alyssa

The army of Faiz Hakim (gengster BBA Transport :P ) dan Nina (BAcc Hons).


Dan the latest addition, Alisa Balqis, the cute baby daughter of Yanty Rahayu, also ex-UITM. Lahir 1st March 2007. Tahniah Ayu & hubby, and welcome to the whole new world of parenthood!

Sigh… selamat menambahkan umat my dear friends!

My new nephew !

Oh ya, sebelum aku terlupa, adik ipar aku dah bersalin pagi semalam. Anak lelaki. Alhamdulillah, aku dengar anak dan ibu selamat. Aku happy, seriously happy dengan kehadiran orang baru dalam family aku. Tapi at the same time aku rasa sangat2 sedih, marah dan disappointed. Why? Well, khabarnya, this particular brother of mine, dah tak balik rumah sejak wife dia start mengandung lagi. Haram dia tatau yang wife dia dah bersalin, dan dia pun tatau yang his last surviving grandfather dah passed away. Honestly, aku tak object kalau kau nak join tabligh whatsoever, tapi isteri tu tanggungjawab suami. Aku dah tak larat nak cakap dah, sebab sedangkan dgn kedua mak ayah aku pun dia dah putus hubungan, inikan pulak adik beradik yang sama2 duduk 9 bulan dalam rahim yang sama. Seriously. Aku sangat. Sangat. Dissapointed. Aku harap isterinya bersabar dan ambillah tindakan yang betul. :-(

PS: Kau bayangkan macam mana nak uruskan pendaftaran baby tu nanti sebab bapanya takde. Kalau ikutkan hati, dah lama aku terajang. (sebab, kau tau la susah sikit nak cakap dengan orang yang tinggi ilmu agama ni).

My New Fave Haunt

Welcome to the Black Parade

Masa jenjalan around BBP hari tu, aku terjumpa this new shop, specializing in black tees (and at affordable prices too!). Tak perasan lak nama dia (T-shirt Republic gamaknya), tapi kedainya dekat2 ngan kedai Fusion. Adik yang jaga kedai tu agak friendly, dan dia terperanjat lak bila dengar aku nak beli t-shirt tu untuk aku, hehe :) Yeah, she’s a mother too and we two sempat gak share our motherhood story and our passion for black tees. Aku beli t-shirt gambar logo Alex DeLarge of The Clockwork Orange. RM15 jek. Buleh la pakai kalau nak buat gi beli barang dapur kat Carrefour :P

Frankie, I heart thee...

Oh ya, this is my new look. Or rather, my PC’s new look. Aku suka sangat wallpaper gambar Frankie ni (aku dapat dari website TIP (The Immortality Project~ banyak gila MCR stuffs and the admin is sooo friendly! Anna Elliot namanya. Aku kata dia friendly, sebab dia bother to reply my email :-). I really appreciate that!). And yes, I love that pic of a blond Gerard. Swoon…

My random MyChem fangirl moment

Last Friday aku gi jenjalan sensorang kat area BB ni, sebab anak aku minta Nissan Skyline ntah dah berapa lama dah. Aku cari kat ToyCity, tapi Ya Rabbi, Mahalnya! RM30!! Malas ah aku nak beli, sebab dia kecik lagi (dia dah ada Audi dan BMW yang satu jenis mcm yang tuh). Last2 aku belikan dia dua buah kereta Matchbox je (VW dan Chevrolet). Ok, back to the story, sedang aku jalan2 ni, aku lalu la depan kedai Jukebox ni. Ada lagu FLW!!! Can you believe it, aku masuk kedai tu dalam lebih kurang 5 minit semata2 sebab nak dengar lagu faveret aku tu. Sigh… Walaupun aku tak minat sandal Jukebox (sebab tapak dia licin yo) it made me smile again…

Oh, the irony!

Heh, sticker ni aku perasan kat dalam salah satu gerabak monorel. Katanya “Dilarang Berkerut” dan “Dilarang Menunjukkan Kemarahan”. WTF? (aku tau la, it’s a part of the Glade advert) Kalau sesapa yang biasa naik monorel dari stesen Hang Tuah di waktu peak mesti fed-up gila. Last week, aku terpaksa menunggu selama 45 minit untuk actually BOARD the fucking train. 45 freaking minutes, man. (Jarak dari stesen ke ofis aku ialah lebih kurang 5 minit kalau guna monorel). Shite. Aku dah ulang dengar Black Parade dan Revenge entah berapa kali dah. Dah la crowd ramai gila, pastuh, every time tren sampai, takde orang keluar, dan cuma 3-4 orang jek yang boleh masuk. Tu tak kira lagi hantu2 mana yang suka potong line, ikut suka hati mak bapak diorang jek. Hish, kalau diikutkan hati, memang aku tolak jek diorang bagi jatuh kat landasan. Macam kasut aku dulu tu :-(

And they wonder why us KL-ites are a grumpy bunch. :-(

Prison Break Updates!

*may contain spoilers for Episode 20*

Haha, akhirnya the brothers dah sampai ke Panama ! Sigh… yang aku tensennya ialah, why, why, why don’t you let us peek at those lovely tatts, Michael Scofield. Aku rindukan Michael masa dalam Fox River. Sekarang ni, walaupun jalan ceritanya dah agak tak best, aku still follow sebab nak tau macam mana Michael dan Linc akan outsmart Mahone and the gang, and not to mention, apa akan jadi dengan T-Bag yang aku rasa, masih mencari awek yang sesuai untuk meneruskan keturunan Bagwell.

And just because I missed this guy….

Pic from JustJared.com

Later yo!

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Thursday, March 22, 2007
  :: News Flash!!! ::
Just a special request from my sister. Thanks Wan aka MamaNitzus.

From her email…

“Tgk link nih, org cina jugak yg sibuk hulur bantuan. org melayu sibuk nk tanam quran kat mt everest.......”




p/s kalau boleh ko letak dlm blog ko...dan derma la. kesian sgt budak ni.”


And please do your bit people.



Wednesday, March 21, 2007
  My Mojo is Probably On Vacation Somewhere
Me, as at todate:

Current mood : [Hungry for a chocolate or a cheesecake]
Current song : [Heaven Help Us ~ My Chemical Romance]

Current workload at work : [Hellish. Probably until April]
Current films : [Bought 10 more DVD's to watch, but my mojo is on vacation]
Current book : [Pandemonium or Life With Kids - A Collection of Parental Humour]
Current mag : rottw march 2007 / Galaxie 17-31 March 2007
Current caller tunes : [GoY/ FLW/ WTTBP]
Current wallpaper (hp) : MCR in Blender mag shoot
Current ring tone : FLW true tone. Thanks Ija!
Current mag bought with MyChem : [PlayMusic UK : Dec 2006 issue. Gerard has stubbles. And Nigel. And Frank killed me with his gaze]

A Trying Sonnet

It’s not a trying experience at all,
Though what comes out whenever I am trying
To explain is, “We’re officially trying.” Call
It “trying” or “allowing”, no denying
What I’m implying is we’re now attempting
Success where once we would have been indignant
At failure in technology: we’re prompting
The previously prevented – getting pregnant.

But in our room, away from explanations,
Responding to your agile ministration,
My legs, my arms, my future can unfurl
And enfold you; I can snugly curl
My life around yours; we can sense the growth
Of new love flowers sprouting in us both.

By Laura Allen Sandage

(taken from the book - Pandemonium or Life With Kids)

Pics of the moment

aka My Wallpaper (although I can’t really decide which one to use)

Where’s my Bob ? Where’s my Bob? ~ image from Unleash The Bats Hands down. OMG! ~ image from Unleash the Bats

PS: To my blogger friends
Yatt & Nadia, korang apa khabar?
Edd, mana address?
sHa, good luck in your mid-term.
Don, anak kau dah pandai apa dah?
Fadz, buku kau apa citer?
Nazim Masnawi, any luck with the babes yet?
Tasya, nanti nak pinjam buku Paul Theroux tu, kay!
K Intan, if you're lurking, thanks!
And the rest of you, have a nice day!

PS: Gotta catch up on my sleep. Bila la nak off-peak nih... :(

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Monday, March 19, 2007
  I Need A Life, or Something Like It :P
I’ve just came back from my hometown, and am feeling dead tired.
N’way, it’s almost 4.00 am, and I need some sleep.
But not before posting another batch of questions for Part Deux.

Click on the pic to do the quiz!

I’m so tired, I can’t sleep ~ Kurt Cobain


And just because I need to see something that reflect my feelings for these few days…

Bury Me In Black

Pics from full_size_mcr

Cross posted at Unleash The Bats.


Thursday, March 15, 2007
  My First Ever Quiz Online ! (MCR-related)
Just a nifty quiz I designed while waiting for my husband to pick me up yesterday.

Click on pic to take this test!

I dare ya!

Pic from full_size_mcr at LJ


Cross posted at Unleash The Bats.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007
  My Way Home Is Through You, My Dear Parents...
I got this thru email today, and it made me miss my parents so much :(

A simple man tells how his booking an air ticket for his father, his first flight, brought emotions and made him realize that how much we all take for granted when it comes to our parents.

My parents left for our native place on Thursday and we went to the airport to see them off. In fact, my father had never traveled by air before, so I just took this opportunity to make him experience the same. In spite of being asked to book tickets by train, I got them tickets on MAS.

The moment I handed over the tickets to him, he was surprised to see that I had booked them by air. The excitement was very apparent on his face, waiting for the time of travel. Just like a school boy, he was preparing himself on that day and we all went to the airport, right from using the trolley for his luggage, the baggage check-in and asking for window seat and waiting restlessly for the security check-in to happen. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and I, too, was overcome with joy watching him experience all these things.

As they were about to go in for the security check-in, he walked up to me with tears in his eyes and thanked me. He became very emotional and it was not as if I had done something great but the fact that this meant a great deal to him.

When he said thanks, I told him there was no need to thank me. But later, thinking about the entire incident, I looked back at my life.

As a child how many dreams our parents have made come true. Without understanding the financial situation, we ask for football, dresses, toys, outings, etc. Irrespective of their affordability, they have satisfied all our needs. Did we ever think about the sacrifices they had to make to accommodate our wishes?

Did we ever say thanks for all that they have done for us?

Same way, today when it comes to our children, we always think that we should put them in a good school. Regardless of the amount of donation, we will ensure that we will have to give the child the best, theme parks, toys, etc. But we tend to forget that our parents have sacrificed a lot for our sake to see us happy, so it is our responsibility to ensure that their dreams are realized and what they failed to see when they were young, it is our responsibility to ensure that they experience all those and their life is complete.

Many times, when my parents had asked me some questions, I have actually answered back without patience. When my daughter asks me something, I have been very polite in answering. Now I realize how they would have felt at those moments.

Let us realize that old age is a second childhood and just as we take care of our children, the same attention and same care need to be given to our parents and elders.

Rather than my dad saying thank you to me, I would want to say sorry for making him wait so long for this small dream. I do realize how much he has sacrificed for my sake and I will do my best to give the best possible attention to all their wishes. Just because they are old does not mean that they will have to give up everything and keep sacrificing for their grandchildren too. They have wishes, too.

Take care of your parents w
hile they're still here with us.

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Monday, March 12, 2007
  Sometimes I Cried So Hard From Pleading...
It’s already out.

So glad to hear that your mom is okay. Alhamdulillah. I hope she gets back on her feet ASAP!


So, I’ve chopped all my hair, and no, I didn’t make it World War 2. It’s starting to bug me out, coz my hair is naturally thick and wavy, and being a tudung wearer, I find it a hassle to keep it dry without smelling like ahem, Gerard Way circa 2004.

It’s really short now, tapi bukan le boys cut macam my last haircut. I just tell that lady to thin it. So sekarang bila basah, I kinda looked like Mystique (the hair la, not the body, and if I ruffled it after a bath, I kinda looked like Gerard in LOTMS video. Kinda. (Perasan gila! :P Actually kalau aku baru bangun tido it kinda looked like Will Ferrell in Zoolander). Spooky. Whatever.


Gerard, Gerard, you made my heart burn….

The first time I watched it was last Thursday/ Friday, aku tak ingat. Aku kat ofis, tengah lunch (as usual, being an anti-social prick, aku makan kat depan PC). Feeling fuckin’ ecstatic!!! But with no one to share my squee! Sha takde, adik aku lak sekolah. Yang ada cuma kengkawan di LJ, (tapi tau la kalau bebudak kat UTB camner) dan mak2 orang kat 2old2bmcrobsess. I was so down. Waaayyy down. Nobody I know in real life loves these guys as much as I do. And I hated every second of it. For some unknown reasons, I took my sharpie, and start painting my fingernails black. I was the Emo Queen for the day. :( God, I was so emo, I shit nautical stars :


Kinda mixed feelings la. I mean, with 91.58% of screen time consists of Gerard’s various facial expressions, who wouldn’t squee! And Frankie, Frankie, Frankie, how I love thee. Thy hair is like the leaves in autumn, gently swaying with the breeze, how I wish I could play with it all day long… haha, stfu already, Zack.

Younger Way for the win!

Not exactly THE best from SuperMarc Webb (and IDLY is not my fave tune from TBP ; The Ghost of You is still my all-time favourite), but it manage to quench my thirst for anything MyChem.

Credits to liesinthebooks at LJ for the lovely screencaps.

Aku tak sempat buat screencaps sebab, ahem, am being blinded by too much hawtness.

Dan aku penat. Seriously penat.


Hah, I dunno how I’m feeling right now. Nobody, I mean, no fuckin body knows how I’m feeling right now. I hate life. Maybe it’s THAT time of the month, which means, for the umpteenth time now, I’m Not Pregnant (I’m Not Okay, I Promise) :(. Or maybe because my immediate superior is feeling grumpy since morning (wey hey, aku pun ada like, a stack of these fuckin audited accounts to be checked, ok; I did my castings till three in the morning semalam, ok. ). Sigh… I need a vacation. I need to get away from all these. ASAP. Before I lose my mind.

PS: Have you ever felt this feeling before? The feeling that you love somebody soooo damn much, it hurts and you don’t know how to feel anything anymore because maybe your feeling gland has burst up, spewing all the juices around, leaving you with nothing but numbness and some sorta depression? That’s how I’m feeling right now. My Chemical Romance, sometimes I hated you and wished I’ve never known you. Or your goddamn awesome songs. And your crazed fans. :( Maybe I shouldn’t have turned to you during my times of need. Argh, guys, I want my life back!!!



Last night we shared the earphone to my mp3 player. Lagu Famous Last Words. I know he loved that song. And out of the blue, I asked him, “Ikmal, sapa main gitar?” Dalam ngantuk2 tu, dia jawab “Ray TOYO”.

I rest my case.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007
  Why Can't It Be Like Anyone Else? Why? :(
I saw this on MCRSecrets today, and I feel really, really depressed.
Not to mention a tinge of guilt, because it DID crossed my mind :(

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

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Monday, March 05, 2007
  Update, yo!
Assalamualaikum semua!

PC aku is in the verge of crashing down

Freakin spywares (NOT MY FU**ING FAULT OK!). Bukak2, kuar mesej apakebenda ntah. Masuk bengkel sejak hari Rabu hari tuh. Sampai sekarang masih belum nampak batang hidung lagi. Takpelah. Biar dia lama sikit kat sana. It’s a wonder how much things I can accomplish without my PC and teh interwebs! It’s pretty hard to admit, but I AM an internet addict. I just hoped that ALL my downloaded stuffs tak hilang macam hari tu, masa badly infected by the stupid Brontok virus. Sedih siot! (Dalam hard drive yg ni ada 1,000+ MyChem stuffs, semua aku dah arrange nicely according to videos, magazine scans, avatars and whatnot, tapi tak sempat nak back-up. I just hope it’s still there :(

Ikmal needs some emotional and moral support

Cikgunya kata, dia tak buat homework. (aku pun tatau yang bebudak tadika pun ada homework, I mean, aku check beg dia, tapi tak pernah lak nak belek2 buku dia). Katanya, dulu rajin, tapi sekarang dah malas. So, these few days, aku n hubby tolong dia dengan homeworknya. Bukan tolong buatkan, tapi y’know, assist him. OMG, budak ni makin banyak lemak!!!! Dan banyaknya alasan!!! Aku standby rotan jek walaupun kebarangkalian untuk menggunakannya amatlah tipis. Mana taknya, tengah2 tulis huruf ‘jim’,

“Mama, shaye ngantuk mata la.”
“Mama, I neber….” (ko bayangkan, dia boleh nyanyi Ghost of You kat aku time2 gitu!)
“Mama, kenapa awak buat mcm tu?”
“Sayalah Spongebob!”
“Sayalah Squidward!”

Geleng kepala aku, tapi aku tak nak la memaksa sangat.

Aku ada la ngadu kat some colleague ni pasal anak aku tak buat homework. Korang tau apa jawapan dia?

(Dia) Sorang colleague lelaki berpangkat Manager : Anak ko tu lelaki ke perempuan?
Aku : Lelaki la bang!
Dia : Ala, biasa la tu!!!! (di sambut dengan gelak jahat drp kengkawannya yang sedang sibuk minum kopi di waktu ofis hour)

Wtf? Is that an excuse for guys? Kalau kau anak lelaki, tak kisah la kalau kau tak buat homework, tak kisah la kalau ko tak score dalam exam, tak kisah itu, tak kisah ini? I mean, macam mana LELAKI MELAYU nak maju?? Kau tengok every year intake masuk universiti tu, siapa yang conquer? Kau tengok best student tiap2 tahun untuk SPM, PMR, etc, siapa yang conquer? Next time kalau ada orang tanya, mana anak2 jantan Melayu dalam bidang korporat and whatnot, don’t ask me, man. Aku rasa, Insya Allah, aku akan buat yang terbaik untuk anak aku. Bak kata mak aku, “Keep the flags flying”. Aku tau dia tak maksudkan anak2nya saja, tapi untuk cucu-cicitnya sekali.

Oh ya, DVD player pun husband aku dah sorok sebab Ikmal suka sgt tgk DVD; much to the dismay of his mother sebab tak dapat tengok Life On The Murder Scene (ko boleh bayangkan tengok TV terrestrial yang takde Astro? Boleh? Boring nak mampus!)

Untuk Yatt & Nadia

Selamat memulakan tugas di tempat baru Yatt! Bak kata kau, Insya Allah, rezeki ada di mana2. To Nadia n Deena, if u need anything, just holler, okay! (Aku lum beli lagi ROTTW baru. Semalam aku usha, belum sampai lagi katanya).

Untuk Edd Vedder

Edd, sorry to hear about your mom. Aku harap kau jaga la mak kau sebab husband aku pun mcm tu juga. Aku ingat dulu, arwah moyang dia passed away masa dia tengah dating ngan aku. Sampai sekarang dia terkilan, and that’s why, for me, family comes first. Jaga dia bebaik Edd.

Untuk Ijan

Amacam kat tempat baru, brudder!? Aku harap semua ok! Keep in touch la weh, dan blog jgn lupa update!

My My Space

Ya, ya, despite whatever korang kata (5 tahun lepas la whatever – I’m looking at you Edd & Ijan, pffft!!!! ), aku dah pun ada my own MySpace.. I registered here just for my blog readers, my forum buddies, Friendster and LiveJournal friends, so kalau korang ada MySpace sendiri, add la aku.

Films update

SO, aku dah miss watching Ghost Rider at the big screen (I fuckin’ hate peak periods!!! :( ), and I hoped this week aku dapat la tengok 300. Or Mukhsin. Or I just might stay at my cubes, going thru’ like, 7-8 of drafts audited financial statements while listening to My Chem on a Friday afternoon.

My Chem updates [for sHa Shinizzle]

Pfftt, sorry la Sha, dah lama takde citer pasal our fave guys, sebab diorang tgh on their Black Parade Tour (Gerard as the Patient, ftw!). I mean, kalau gi kat UTB (the mothership for all drama llamas) pun, semua citer pasal OMGIMETGERARD!, OMGthisOMGthat!. My ass. (They’re touring with MUSE next!!) Kat 2old2bmcrobsess tak berapa teruk, and I love lepakking there with ahem, more matured fans of MyChem. At least we have OTHER things to talk about, hehe… (Sha, kalau nak tengok LJ mana akak join, klik at my LJ Profile kat sidebar tu). There’s even one community for good ole Brian ‘sikecikmolek’ Schecter and Worm too!

Hmm… itu jek kot yang aku larat taip masa lunch hour yang pendek ni.
Nanti kalau ada apa2 aku update lagi la.


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RM0.02 on films, fandoms, breastfeeding and motherhood. Stealing, hotlinking or plagiarizing is so not cool, yo.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I'm a number cruncher, married and a mother to 2 handsome young boys ~ Ikmal & Nabil. Also a self-confessed movie freak, a walking dictionary of useless facts and I just love swapping postcards. I love loud music, black t-shirts, good books and hot caramel macchiato. I hate hypocrisy, the colour pink, rude people, busy-bodies and those with 'holier than thou' attitude. :) I blog 'coz I hate talking. In real life, I'm this quiet person, often immersed in my own virtual world of obsessions, work and whatnot. Comments, suggestions, brickbats (even virtual cupcakes!) are loved, as long as you use the proper channels a.k.a the comments thingy or my e-mail ~ zackzip [at] hotmail [dot] com.

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