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Wednesday, May 09, 2007
  First Appointment and Heroes 1x21
We went to the GP after maghrib yesterday. Our doctor said that we can only open up a file (the yellow card) after the 4 ½ to 5th month, yang mana aku ter O_O sekejap. What? What happens for the first few months? Rasa macam tak percaya jek, tapi doktor tu bagitau yang as long as takde complications atau apa2 masalah mcm high BP, diabetes or irregular bleeding, you should be fine. Aku bagitau la dia yang masa Ikmal dulu, aku daftar start dari bulan pertama. Doktor tu kata, tak perlu sebenarnya (seriously, I think that I might've been duped/ ripped off by that private hospital :P), tapi masa tu tak kisah la, sebab anak pertama. We tried to provide the very best for him.

Apart from my folic acid supply, which I had replenished to 3 months’ supply yesterday, I bought THE milk. You know, susu untuk ibu mengandung. Haha, not to mention that aku terpaksa cut down (or cut off!) my habit of 2 cuppa coffee everyday. Seksa! Aku rasa ngantuk sangat sebab belum biasa lagi ngan caffeine withdrawal.

MamaIkmal, during her first few minutes of caffeine withdrawal

Ok, back to business.

Chapter 21 : The Hard Part


Tajuk yang betul2 sesuai. Why? Huh? Stop peeking at Nathan’s pants you pervert! :P IMHO la, pertama sekali, episod sebelum ni (Episod 20) pada aku ialah satu episod yang betul2 phoar! Sebab banyak babak mencemaskan, banyak persoalan yang timbul dan aku rasa la, mungkin salah satu episod dengan rating tertinggi. The HARD PART is macam mana nak membuat kesinambungan kepada episod tu, dengan berbalik kepada masa sekarang. Since Hiro dah ke masa depan, macam mana dia nak betulkan semula keadaan supaya New York terselamat drp letupan tu. How will the cheerleader save the world? Or is it the cheerleader yang betul2 akan selamatkan dunia?

One girl to save them all?

Molly Walker, yang punya kuasa mengesan kedudukan seseorang hanya dengan berfikir tentang mereka. Kinda reminds me of Profesor X’s Cerebro dalam X-Men 2, but without the power la kot, I dunno.

Grandma Petrelli knows!!!

Woah! Apa ni? Manchurian Candidate part 3 ??? Apparently, Grandma Petrelli pun turut sama terlibat dalam konspirasi Linderman ni. Ah. The things you’d do for your (handsome) boy. :

Snow globes are LOVE

I loved this scene, yang mana buat kali pertama Sylar menunjukkan kebolehannya kepada mak dia. Seriously, I got this warm fuzzy feeling inside, that is, until dia buat muka jahat and starts hurting her. Poor Sylar’s mom.

Please stay as Sylar, honey. Gabriel Gray is way too nerdy for my taste!

This scene reminds me of the opening credits of Dexter. Err, Mr Tim Kring, can we like, have a Sylar shower scene too? No? What about an out-of-shower scene? No also meh? Double standard!!!! You have that for Jessica and Candice!! Tak adil! *sulked*

Lawak gila masa ni. Mamat redneck tu macam buat tak faham jek bila Hiro dan Ando terteleport depan dia kat kedai runcit tu

Arrrgh, so close, yet so far away. Malangnya, Present Hiro tak cukup guts untuk membunuh Sylar bila ada kesempatan. And since when Sylar ada ability to break this space/ time continuum? Dan berjayakah Hiro memenuhi firasat Isaac Mendez sedangkan pedang Bushidonya dah patah dua? Adakah Ando akan benar2 mati di tangan Sylar?

Are you like, really my dad?

Claire: You can fly?
Nathan : *shrugs*
Claire : That’s cool.

Cool? Have you seen you biological father flying with only his pajama pants? That’s called HOT, honey.

Not so soon!

Ok, Peter, aku rasa power radioaktif ni ‘diaktifkan’ (cheh, macam Hotlink la pulak) oleh emotion, so Peter, can you please give us a plausible explanation for this?

Tell me, mama, can an investment banker do this?

Aku rasa la, si Sylar ni memang otak dia ada out sikit sebab terlalu banyak sangat makan otak kot, hehe..

Arrgh! One more episode to go!!!! Can they wrap this up in Episode 22 or are we gonna be shocked by a cliffhanging finale like Prison Break? Tunggu minggu depan. *trying very hard not to look for spoilers*

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Can they wrap this up in Episode 22

23. there'll be 23 eps. next week ep is all about Petrelli's family. and the finale ep raser cam ader possible new heroes jerk (introduction utk new season ker?)
La, ye ke? Mati2 akak ingatkan ada 22 jek, hehe (Don, kalau kau baca ni- Heroes Season 1 sampai episod 23 tau!)

All about Petrelli's family? You mean, loads and loads of Nathan and Peter? o_O *waiting in anticipation*
tak silap mama Petrelli akan unleashed the truth about papa Petrelli. or something like that. and more and more of Nathan's dilemma - bad/good guy dilemma. heheh.

and btw, just so you know ader shot clip tunjuk vc Teenagers kat PR nyer website. here's the YT link (cam smells like teen spririt jerk...)

Molly Walker is beyond adorable. The part where she hugged Mohinder just...awwwww. Hehe.

I believe Mama Petrelli is a part of first generation of Heroes alongside Linderman and Papa Nakamura so it's not surprised that Linderman called her.

The entire snow globe scene was undoubtly beautiful. And uhm, I actually cried when I watch that part, for some odd reasons.

LMAO! I love geeky!Gabriel. :D. That scene where he shaved enough to turned me on. *drools*. hehe. And I've no clue how did Sylar break the space/time continuum. I mean, he haven't met Hiro before.

I dont mean this in any way, but Peter's kinda stupid. He knows Ted's there so why cant he just run or do something about it instead of freak the hell out of himself while looking at his glowing hands. but i love him, still despite his stupidity. xD
Zack.. tgk widget Heroes countdown kat blog aku. 2 more episodes dude..

Molly Walker is so cute.. *teringat lagu Molly's Lips Nirvana*.

Aku kesian kat Sylar's mom.. Damn you Gabriel! Too..much..brain..eating.

Claire: You can fly?
Nathan : *shrugs*
Claire : That’s cool.

- God.. she's so cute when she blushed and say 'that's cool'. By the way, I hope she could wear that white blouse for the remaining 2 episodes, because she looks hot!

Episode 21-23 supposed to be one big finale of the election/bombing day. So mmg confirm ada cliffhanger..

One question.. If Peter has Claire's power.. why did Future Peter has a scar?
OK.. I'm gonna answer my own question because I'd just think of this theory..

Peter was hurt by Hiro's now broken sword. The sword was so powerful that even Peter's rejuvenation ability can't help.

And why did Hiro gave Peter the scar? Because Peter manage to absorb Candice's power and because of some reason, Peter turned into Sylar.. Thus making Hiro think he's actually hurting Sylar, not Peter..

..got it? Confused?

*..now I'm confused*
come on, keep rolling with the theories. I need to seriously stop thinking/coming up with theories psl Heroes starting this week. next week ader sau paper final :(
what? u pregnant?? Congrats...finally.
To lizzieofviolence
"I believe Mama Petrelli is a part of first generation of Heroes alongside Linderman and Papa Nakamura so it's not surprised that Linderman called her."
Yeah it's true..hope that's not the Candice Wilmer la sebab muka lain je mama Petrelli. yet they all still want it to happend. The explore, nathan being the president, etc..

It seems now we all got the answer where Nathan's wife have been. Just like last time when we were wondering where the hell is Claire brother?

About Molly, dah agak dah dia tracking system tu when Bennet ckp kat Parkma "The Company has a new tracking system, and this Walker system (Perasan dia sebut Walker system..guess hint dah ada kat situ..it's Molly walker) doesn’t rely on isotopes and satellites (see satellites): it just finds you…wherever you are" Bila dia ckp it just finds you aku dah agak sure Molly Walker. I'm sure the next episod depa tak jadi musnahkan tracking system tu once they find out it's the cute girl. Cute girl yg Parkman selamatkan...adakah mereka akan bawa Molly pergi ke tempat lain seperti episod sebelum iaitu Future dimana Hiro kata dia bawa mereka semua ke Bennet utk dilindung?

No wonder Sylar nak Molly awal lagi sebab leh track sesiapa je without Mohinder punya list (which i assume hardisc dia pecah rabah haritu)...

To Edd Veder
Peter was hurt by Hiro's now broken sword. The sword was so powerful that even Peter's rejuvenation ability can't help.

And why did Hiro gave Peter the scar? Because Peter manage to absorb Candice's power and because of some reason, Peter turned into Sylar.. Thus making Hiro think he's actually hurting Sylar, not Peter..

..got it? Confused?

Peter met Candice and got the morph power and he looked like Sylar when Hiro did..Why Hiro said "stab" and not "slash" in the comic he's slashing "Sylar"....

and more about the scars..why Peter ada scars? Is it the future peter never met claire? Also Sylar never got to Claire since he killed her in the Petrelli mansion. He did say "Ive been waiting a long time for this." So Future Hiro did help Peter stop Sylar from killing Claire at homecoming, which means that Peter has Sylar's ability as well as Claire's. Possibleity but why ada scars? Something stops his powers from working. The one thing we know will do this is the Heroesverse is the Haitian, although there could be other explanations. For example, Peter could be drained after exploding and blowing up NY and get his injury then.


1. Maybe Hiro gives him the scar. Maybe because of the obvious power/magic in hiro's sword, that can actually cut him so he cant heal. (also it might be a threat to Claire).

2. Maybe he chooses to not allow the cut the regen as a reminder of the bomb in new york.

Remember though Future Pete said he was the one that exploded. Pete had the regen. Sylar made Pete look like Sylar.

Future Hiro never stabbed Sylar. If he had he could never have become president since it woulda killed him because he didn't have the regen ability.

Ok back to Scars issue - The scar might be the aftermatch of the nuclear explozion, maybe as a reminder or maybe healing can go wrong, or haitian blocked his powers when he got it. We have seen how Hiro lost his power after an emotional breakdown, the same could happen to Peter...

Ahhh..aku pun pening..tgk jela episod selepas ni here's bit info on the season finale "In the two-hour season finale, we'll meet a Paris Hilton-like blonde woman in her late 20s, an Asian woman of the same age group, and a male model. Also, Audrey Hanson is set to return this episode. This episode also involves the apocalyptic arc."

Additionally, it is being said that Tawny Cypress and Richard Roundtree will return in this episode as Simone and Charles Deveaux, respectively. However, since both characters are deceased, it is unknown how they will appear, but assumed via flashback"

2 jam tu...
the cheerleader will save the world... dia dari generasi ke 3 macam Micah... secara teorinya dia orang ni berevolusi kepada yang lebih baik, hebat bagus... agaknya la kaaan... mungkin jugak Tim akan ikut plot X-Men yang mana hanya Wolfverine je hidup dimasa depan... bila semua x-men dah mati...
Ugh, my tooth/ head/ tummy aches like crazy and I’m afraid to take any meds before consulting my GP. Sigh… 4 years man, memang aku dah lupa semua. Kena revise balik, just like my first preg. :(


The entire snow globe scene was undoubtly beautiful. And uhm, I actually cried when I watch that part, for some odd reasons.

Yeah, that part is kinda sad, coz, y’know, Mothers’ Day is just around the corner and Sylar gave his mom a new snowglobe and a bloody drawing on her floor. :(

but i love him, still despite his stupidity. xD

Don’t we all, ladies? Hehe, minum Milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat!


Zack.. tgk widget Heroes countdown kat blog aku. 2 more episodes dude..

Aku selalu bukak blog kau kat ofis, tapi PC ofis aku takleh bukak benda alah tu (same as streaming vids macam YouTube), so sorry Edd, aku tak perasan.

Molly Walker is so cute.. *teringat lagu Molly's Lips Nirvana*.

Hehe, she reminds me of Olive Hoover (Abigail Breslin) in Little Miss Sunshine. If only she’d start dancing to Superfreak! Superfreak!, man, that would be so awesome :P

God.. she's so cute when she blushed and say 'that's cool'.

Halah, kalau dia tepek bedak sejuk kat muka ngan pakai baju butterfly pun mesti kau kata dia cute kan, Edd?

About Peter turning into Sylar ~ Nope. Not so confusing. A good theory though. But why in the hell would he turn into Sylar in the first place? Hmmm….

Study, jangan tak study…. Same here though. I have to start thinking about other stuffs too. Hmmm.. that video kinda freaks me out, seriously. Cheerleaders and gas masks? Apa agaknya suggestion Marc Webb pada Gerard huh? Or vice versa? o_O

Thnks Fr Th Wsh !


hope that's not the Candice Wilmer la sebab muka lain je mama Petrelli.

Bukan ke Candice tengah jaga Micah ?

Dan teori pasal Molly Walker being the tracking system… hmm. Pretty plausible there, tapi perlu ke diorang letak implant kat leher tu kalau yang track tu hanya seorang budak?

which means that Peter has Sylar's ability as well as Claire's.

CHUP!!!! Can somebody please enlighten me, apa sebenarnya power Sylar in the first place, I mean other than looking so damn good, nonono, maksud aku selain daripada boleh absorb power daripada otak2 yang dia dah makan tu? Ceh, sebut otak2 lapar lak perut aku :P Somebody ?

"In the two-hour season finale, we'll meet (1) a Paris Hilton-like blonde woman in her late 20s, (2) an Asian woman of the same age group, and (3) a male model.

(1) That’s hot!
(2) Hiro’s sister? Mohinder’s long lost sister? Ando’s sister?
(3) That’s even hotter!


mungkin jugak Tim akan ikut plot X-Men yang mana hanya Wolfverine je hidup dimasa depan...

Aw, that sucks!

Hehe, cakap pasal Wolvie ni, teringat lak satu artis rock Brazil ni


Lawak, lawak…
The entire snow globe scene was undoubtly beautiful. And uhm, I actually cried when I watch that part, for some odd reasons.
Actually kalau tgk betul2. Sylar tak meant to hurt his mom. But when dia terlalu excited and taksub..perasan tak muka Gabriel / Sylar berubah bila snowball tu kena kepala mak dia. Hahaha part tu memang sedih sebab Sylar nak jadi insaf sebab dia ingat dia yg letup and bunuh berjuta2 org..

About Peter turning into Sylar ~ Nope. Not so confusing. A good theory though. But why in the hell would he turn into Sylar in the first place? Hmmm….
Well just a theory sebab Peter kalau jumpa org ada ability baru dia sure gagal nak control for the first time. Just like bfore yg boleh invisible, etc..even Ted power kita tak sure apa akan jadi..so i guess if he meets Candice maybe he can't controll it at first. Logic if he turns Sylar sebab kepala otak dok fkir nak against Sylar (since Peter pernah jumpa Sylar so no doubt he can ubah jadi Sylar time dia absorb new power from Candice if he meet candice la sebab future Sylar yg ada power Candice so..hmmm). But merepek gak sebab tak akan dia shifting jadi Sylar je..kalau dia tak boleh kawal power Candice for the 1st time sure dia cam kejap tukar org ni then org lain lak then org lain pulak..tak akan remain Sylar je tak..I get those ideas from other forum yg aku baca..

Bukan ke Candice tengah jaga Micah ?
aku dah agak korang sure ckp ni. Well memang betul. But kita tak tahu kan? Heroes kekadang suprise gak..Sebab aku tgk Mama nathan cam lain je time scene tu...and i tak ckp confirm it's Candice just hope it's not her la..Linderman punya desire tak leh nak tentu..Dia nak convinced Nathan supaya teruskan for the election sebab dpt tahu Nathan cam takconfident. Kita tak tahu Linderman tu boleh buat. Mana tau dia guna tactic yg sama guna Candice tipu / convince Micah at first...Well let just hope tak la..

tapi perlu ke diorang letak implant kat leher tu kalau yang track tu hanya seorang budak?
Well u are right but tgk Bennet ckp balik dia ckp "The company has a new tracking system." New..so means the old one kut track kat leher depa tu..NEw one tak perlu dah kut..

which means that Peter has Sylar's ability as well as Claire's.
Well once Peter dah face to face or jumpa org yg ada power for sure automactically dia dah absorb power org tu. So i'm 100% sure Peter ada Sylar punya power just dia tak gunakan kut sebab Peter lagi best..tak perlu makan otak utk dpt power. Just be closed to the person and get it.

Well to be honest some of those mengarut idea on Peter scars (only) i baca kat forum and copy text and paste it here coz nak tgk pandangan korang..coz aku pun ada terlintas some of the shit they write about - check it here: http://community.comcast.net/comcastportal/board/message?board.id=Heroes&message.id=696




Finale spoilers here: http://www.heroesrevealed.com/news/mega-spoiler-for-heroes-episode-23/#more-403

Tak sabar nak tgk final episod season 1 for 2 hours straight..Huhu...
Gila ah kau ni! Thank you v much for the links, btw.
Another thing...if ted can survive the small explosion dekat rumah Claire o rrumah dia sebelum ni..So will it kill Sylar or Peter if they are the one that explode? (but offcourse lagi besar la). But then ted tak mati or ada apa kecederaan pun bila explode...so this means if peter tak ada por claire pun still he will survive? Well pening gak sebab ted survive on small explode not big like a nuclear bomb...so benda ni memainkan fikiran kita...hmmmm

to Zac
Gila? Tak ...fanatik..kata nak buat Malaysia punya Heroes fanclub..APA LAGI...go!!!
Sapa punya idea that day nak start Heroes Fan Club Malaysia tu? Edd ke? Aku kalau nak start tak reti, kalau part join2 tu, terer la, hehe...
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