First Appointment and Heroes 1x21
We went to the GP after maghrib yesterday. Our doctor said that we can only open up a file (the yellow card) after the 4 ½ to 5th month, yang mana aku ter O_O sekejap. What? What happens for the first few months? Rasa macam tak percaya jek, tapi doktor tu bagitau yang as long as takde complications atau apa2 masalah mcm high BP, diabetes or irregular bleeding, you should be fine. Aku bagitau la dia yang masa Ikmal dulu, aku daftar start dari bulan pertama. Doktor tu kata, tak perlu sebenarnya (seriously, I think that I might've been duped/ ripped off by that private hospital :P), tapi masa tu tak kisah la, sebab anak pertama. We tried to provide the very best for him.
Apart from my folic acid supply, which I had replenished to 3 months’ supply yesterday, I bought THE milk. You know, susu untuk ibu mengandung. Haha, not to mention that aku terpaksa cut down (or cut off!) my habit of 2 cuppa coffee everyday. Seksa! Aku rasa ngantuk sangat sebab belum biasa lagi ngan caffeine withdrawal.

Ok, back to business.
Chapter 21 : The Hard Part
Tajuk yang betul2 sesuai. Why? Huh? Stop peeking at Nathan’s pants you pervert! :P IMHO la, pertama sekali, episod sebelum ni (Episod 20) pada aku ialah satu episod yang betul2 phoar! Sebab banyak babak mencemaskan, banyak persoalan yang timbul dan aku rasa la, mungkin salah satu episod dengan rating tertinggi. The HARD PART is macam mana nak membuat kesinambungan kepada episod tu, dengan berbalik kepada masa sekarang. Since Hiro dah ke masa depan, macam mana dia nak betulkan semula keadaan supaya New York terselamat drp letupan tu. How will the cheerleader save the world? Or is it the cheerleader yang betul2 akan selamatkan dunia?

Molly Walker, yang punya kuasa mengesan kedudukan seseorang hanya dengan berfikir tentang mereka. Kinda reminds me of Profesor X’s Cerebro dalam X-Men 2, but without the power la kot, I dunno.

Woah! Apa ni? Manchurian Candidate part 3 ??? Apparently, Grandma Petrelli pun turut sama terlibat dalam konspirasi Linderman ni. Ah. The things you’d do for your (handsome) boy. :

I loved this scene, yang mana buat kali pertama Sylar menunjukkan kebolehannya kepada mak dia. Seriously, I got this warm fuzzy feeling inside, that is, until dia buat muka jahat and starts hurting her. Poor Sylar’s mom.

This scene reminds me of the opening credits of Dexter. Err, Mr Tim Kring, can we like, have a Sylar shower scene too? No? What about an out-of-shower scene? No also meh? Double standard!!!! You have that for Jessica and Candice!! Tak adil! *sulked*

Arrrgh, so close, yet so far away. Malangnya, Present Hiro tak cukup guts untuk membunuh Sylar bila ada kesempatan. And since when Sylar ada ability to break this space/ time continuum? Dan berjayakah Hiro memenuhi firasat Isaac Mendez sedangkan pedang Bushidonya dah patah dua? Adakah Ando akan benar2 mati di tangan Sylar?

Claire: You can fly?
Nathan : *shrugs*
Claire : That’s cool.
Cool? Have you seen you biological father flying with only his pajama pants? That’s called HOT, honey.

Ok, Peter, aku rasa power radioaktif ni ‘diaktifkan’ (cheh, macam Hotlink la pulak) oleh emotion, so Peter, can you please give us a plausible explanation for this?

Aku rasa la, si Sylar ni memang otak dia ada out sikit sebab terlalu banyak sangat makan otak kot, hehe..
Arrgh! One more episode to go!!!! Can they wrap this up in Episode 22 or are we gonna be shocked by a cliffhanging finale like Prison Break? Tunggu minggu depan. *trying very hard not to look for spoilers*Labels: Heroes, Motherhood