One Man, USD1,100, 30 Days, One GoalMy Date With Drew (2004)
If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul. - Drew Barrymore
Aku baru sempat menonton filem ni malam tadi (sampai around 3.30a.m), sambil2 melipat kain baju yg bertimbun tu (dan Ikmal pun dah lelap so he won’t pester me with his Oompa Loompa dance moves). Aisey, got loads more to watch, so little time..(I recently bought some Tinto Brass & Kubrick films, Night Watch, Kontroll, Me, You & Everyone We Know, C.R.A.Z.Y, Amelie, Magnolia…hmm….one of the things yg aku takleh nak control – beli DVD. Mcm makcik masuk kedai emas yg ada jualan lelong.
Ok, in a nutshell: Brian Herzlinger seorang peminat Drew Barrymore sejak kecil lagi. Beliau memenangi USD1,100 dalam game show ‘Taboo’ dan menggunakan wang tersebut utk cuba keluar date dgn idolanya itu dalam masa 30 hari. Berjayakah dia?
Mama’s dua sen : A feel good, inspiring date movie. Aku rasa aku tersenyum sepanjang masa menonton filem ni. Salah satunya mungkin sebab sang hero kita ni jenis loser i.e. no job, no girlfriend, siap mintak duit ngan mak lagi (he’s my age), dan dia juga jenis yg gelabah (siap upah a Drew look-a-like utk test date!). Tapi dgn bantuan kengkawannya yg sempoi dan sporting, perjalanan Brian tidaklah sesusah yg disangka. Really an inspiration to the dreamer in all of us.
Siap join Drew fan club masa umur 10 tahun !
Best ! – Never underestimate the power of the Net. Kalaulah hero kita menggunakan internetworking, instead of the six degrees of separation approach, mungkin beliau akan dapat berjumpa Drew dgn lebih awal lagi. Dan aku suka tgk bilik salah sorang rakannya yg juga peminat fanatik Star Wars (Cool!). Dan kita dpt tgk sapa sebenarnya disebalik suara macho trailer2 filem. Kelakar gila !
Flavour of the MomentKalaulah ditakdirkan bumi dilanda bencana ala apokalips, meninggalkan aku dan dia, dan nasib manusia sejagat bergantung kepada kami berdua, ya, aku akan lakukannya.
Selamat Pengantin Baru Ver 5.0These few weeks agak sibuk bagi aku, sbb two of my siblings akan naik pelamin. Just last weekend, aku sekeluarga gi menghantar adik aku No. 5 ke rumah pengantin perempuan di Ulu Tiram, Johor. Aku nak ucapkan Selamat Pengantin Baru buat Onn Azrani Puade dan pasangannya Noor Hidayah Yashim, semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.
Addition to the family - Hidayah
Kata org, saat yg lelaki paling gentar ada dua, masa bersunat dan masa nikah…Alhamdulillah, sekali lafaz aje…
Alhamdulillah, sebuah lagi masjid dah terbina. Aku doakan agar rumahtangga mrk (dan kita juga) senantiasa diberkati Allah. Seperti yg aku selalu ckp- It takes two to tango. It takes the effort of TWO people to make a marriage work. Semoga kekal bahagia selalu.
I Heart Daniel Radcliffe (and Klik! )Kudos for my fave Karangkraf mag – Klik
Setelah tiap2 hari berkunjung ke kedai majalah/ 7-11/ memana yg ada jual majalah, akhirnya, aku terpandang cover yg ada buah hati aku sekarang- Dan Radcliffe !! (of course, 75% majalah2 lain pun ada buah hati aku no. 26 iaitu Mawi World, tapi aku malas nak beli). This is my latest indulgence, selain dr FX mag and Movie Magic. Hehe, banyaknya gambar best !!!! btw, Gempak/ Starz/Hype aku tak beli, sbb chances are, one of my brothers/ sisters akan beli, and aku akan pinjam jek dr diorg.
Tahniah dan tima kasih buat krew Klik, esp Are-Young and Che Ah (and the gorgeous graphic by Fattrin) for the wonderful job done! Walaupun ada kesilapan di sana sini (for instance, JKR bukan janda lagi la, dia dah kawin buat kali kedua ngan Dr Neil Murray (a grown-up Neville Longbottom look-a-like) dan dah ada 2 anak ngan dia. And oso, (ini yg sakit skit la mata aku) it’s Harry POTTER ok, bukan Harry PORTER. Geez….
Apa pun, Klik isu yg ni ada memacam benda menarik. Ada ‘deliciously handsome’ Fahrin Ahmad, PHSM2, Radja, Prince William, etc, dan contezz2 yg menjanjikan hadiah2 yg cool. Keep up da good work guys !
Persidangan Number-Crunchers Se-Malaysia 2005For the last 2 days, and for the first time in my life (okay, okay, after getting my Chartered Accountant title in 2002), aku dapat attend Persidangan Akauntan Kebangsaan (National Accountants Conference), held in PWTC on the 22 & 23rd Nov 2005. Aku pernah attend sekali, but then I was replacing my boss yg tak dpt dtg for the second day. Man, do I feel proud to be a Manager of Value. Or am I ? Aku sebenarnya tak berapa gemar acara2 formal camni, especially if it concerns number crunching muggles. Rasa mcm misfit jek. Part of me rasa bangga sbb aku dalam line professional, yg mana peranan akauntan sekarang is more than just a book keeper or number cruncher. Diorang juga menjadi catalyst atau penggerak yg berperanan utk menambah nilai dalam sesuatu organisasi. (Man, don’t make me start on the corporate/ accounting terms/ jargons, meremang you…)
Part of me pulak rasa mcm rigid and square (walaupun Suhaimi Sulaiman kata, he’s got a funky accountant). Honestly, aku tak minat langsung benda2 teknikal and numbers ni. I know, it’s my bread and butter, and I do them every friggin day, but y’know, deep inside of me, there’s another person waiting to be released. Someone yg artistic, suka kpd seni dan apa2 yg TIDAK berkaitan dgn numbers. Hell. The MASB baru release the new IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), and by God, kerja aku akan bertambah dua kali ganda lepas ni. Rasa mcm baru semalam jek aku terpaksa brush up with the latest technical gobbledegook in the forms of MASB’s. Aduh… my head…Auditor dah masuk for the interim/ pre-final audit, and got loads of unfinished businesses to kautim sbb dah dua hari takde kat ofis. sigh…
Among the memorable sessions at the NAC 2005:
Re:branding the Accountants in a Whole New World By Hermawan Kartajaya, President, World Marketing Association (2002 - 2004)
Pak Hermawan is said to be one of the 50 gurus that has shaped the future of marketing. His session is lively, albeit a bit cheesy at the beginning (he played a video to the tune of A Whole New World !), tapi pengisiannya amat bermakna sekali. Yeah, aku sekarang lebih bermotivasi utk menjadi akauntan yg lebih WORLD !
Outsmarting Cyber ~ Villains By Ankit Fadia, Intelligence Consultant, California, USA.
Woah, this dude makes me wanna go out and buy C++ books for moi and Ikmal. And start installing the long-overdue broadband at home. The experienced 19-year-old hacker gives an interesting talk on outsmarting cyber-villains. His advice for Net/ Handphone/ Google users ? STOP USING THEM ! Haha, kelakar mamat nih ! Belum reach the age of 20, tapi dah come out with 6 books under his name. Brilliant!
“Life is too Short, so Live Life to the Fullest” By Datin Paduka Sharifah Mazlina, Malaysia’s First Antarctic Solo Expeditor
What else can I say about this gutsy, wonderful lady ? Wow. I guess dia dah berjaya melakukan salah satu of the 7 things to do sebelum dia mati. A lady of small stature, beliau membuat aku rasa malu, sbb aku ni, harapkan tinggi jek (and physique mcm sportsman), tapi hampeh dalam bidang2 fizikal. Dok dalam ofis pun tak tahan sejuk, inikan pulak nak gi antartika. Hmmm…
And yeah, Alhamdulillah, dah rezeki aku, aku dapat naik stage dua kali. First time, aku menang Accountants Treasure Hunt (3rd place methinks),and the second time, I won the Lucky Draw !!!! First timer luck agaknya. Hehe, I got RM1k spending money from Direct Access. Haha, jgn jeles…. Me – Proud to Be a Manager of Value on the outside, An art loving muggle on the inside.
HP Remakes We Wanna See. Or Not. Bring it on, mamacita !
Harry & The Chocolate Factory Harry Potter uses his magical skills to find the golden ticket and got invited by one Willy Wonka, a Michael-Jackson lookalike, to his gigantic chocolate factory. Strange enough, nobody has ever heard from him since. (Idea from
Reservoir Hogs Lord Voldemort cuts off Harry’s ear and doused him with gasoline, to the tune of ‘Stuck In The Middle With You’. (Idea from And yeah, the F-word is used 146 times, thanks to Mr QT.
Super Size Me : Hogwarts Edition Morgan Spurlock and his crew harassed the house-elfs in Hogwarts kitchen. Questions may include the calories of pumpkin juices, as well as interviews with a few of Hogwarts students on what they’re having for lunch.
Scar Wars The Dark Lord : (Phish, Phosh) Harry, I AM your father. HP : (A rather cheesy ) Nooooooooooo……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
British Pie : Third Base Dumbledore caught Harry doing something ‘nasty’ with a pumpkin pie. Ron, on the other hand, is attracted to older women, in the form of Malfoy’s mom. Also featuring a foreign exchange student, who looked stunningly awesome in a light blue swimming suit…
The Boy With The Golden Wand Think Goldmember, at age 14. The Fook Me-Fook You twins are replaced by a much sexier version of Fred & George. Yeah baby !
Specky Tagline : One (specky) wizard boy, One (specky) Malay mama, An unbelievable love story. We all know the story so far. The sequel (directed by the ever-so-graceful Yasmin Ahmad), featured an uncut bubble bath scene between the two protagonists (and a horny female ghost) as well as loads of ‘berkemban’ scenes. Loads of ‘em….
Dragons, Death Eaters & Raging Hormones** THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILER **
Date : 17 November 2005 Time : 12 pm Venue : GSC Berjaya Times Square
Phew ! Akhirnya. Here’s my RM0.20. (Kalau lebih dari 20 sen, mungkin reviu aku akan lebiiihhh..panjang dr ni).
The Trio Ahh… the raging hormones. Harry’s gone a long way since the cherubic kid in HP1. Hermione has grown up to be a demure young lady (still a bookworm though), but Ron, hmm.. Ron is just being Ron.
The Dark Lord Lord Voldemort (affectionately known from now on as Voldy the Baldy) has arisen, thanks to Peter Pettigrew (Jihan, if u’re reading this, kebencian aku pada Wormtail semakin memuncak selepas menonton GoF). Ralph Fiennes stars as the Dark Lord. Physically, he’s terrifying, but the voice, man, it sounded so…human. I know he’s human, but for The-One-Who-Would-Not-Be-Named, he’s not that scary (for me la).
Fred & George The Weasley twins provided most of the comic scenes in the movie, and man, have they grown up to be dashing, cool cats. I love the scene where Fred (or is it George ?) asked Angelina Johnson to the ball. Kelakar gila !
Viktor Krum Krum is the epitome of a real ‘jantan’, as opposed to Cedric’s metrosexual and ‘jambu’ appeal. In fact, all the students from Durmstrang are equally macho. Tapi yg tak bestnye si Viktor ni ialah muka dia ada iras2 muka cousin Abah Ikmal (aisey, the next time I see him I would be thinking about Mr Krum. Spoil.)
Cedric Diggory IMHO, the handsome lad failed to make an impression, except for the key scene at the end of the movie. I loved the scene where Harry successfully escaped from Voldemort, and bringing with him the dead body of Cedric, and everyone was cheering, thinking that both of them actually survived the third task. I was so close to tears at that time, especially when the camera focuses on Amos Diggory, his father. It was so sad.
Fleur Delacour A Kirsten Dunst look-alike, she failed to live up the character as presented in the book. She looked more like a French babe rather than a part-Veela, which is very crucial in the Triwizard Tournament. Ini membuatkan beliau tidak begitu menonjol berbanding peserta2 lain. Is it because she’s a girl ? Well, from someone who once directed Mona Lisa Smile, I was hoping to see more grrrlll power from Mr Newell. Haha, and the graceful entrance by the Beauxbaton girls are a bit cheesy, though.
Argus Filch Aik, sejak bila pulak si Filch ni jadi Pak Lawak? He’s supposed to be sinister and creepy, but in HP4, he made half the audience laughs every time he goes on-screen. His dance scene at the Yule Ball (with Mrs Norris !!) is so cute !
Quidditch World Cup The scene makes me wanna go up and cheer for the teams. The CGI and the cheering spectators. Woah ! The feeling is priceless ! And the stadium, bak kata Roger Ebert, it makes even the Senate Chamber (Star Wars Episode 3) look like a dinner theatre ! Anyway, thank God for no Quidditch matches in this movie, for I would prefer to see Harry on the ground, rather on his Firebolt. Oh wait, he’s using the Firebolt this time, only it’s not for Quidditch. Wicked scene that one !
The Triwizard Tournament The CGI Hungarian Horntail is awesome! So is the underwater scene in the Second Task. In fact, all the three tasks made my heart pounded so fast that I nearly jumped outta my seat. The maze the Third Task is both terrifying and made me almost claustrophobic. Best gila tahap dewa ! Patutlah budget utk filem ni lebih tinggi drp ketiga2 filem LOTR !
The Harry Potter theme John Williams (who provided the ‘haunting’ theme for the first 3 HP movies), is not able to do so for the fourth movie, due to conflicting schedule. Taking the helm from him is Patrick Doyle, an Academy Award nominee, but then I am not very familiar with his works (my fave composers are Williams, Shore, Elfman & Revell). Maybe I am a bit skeptical, but hell, the music is equally good.
Moaning Myrtle I HATE YOU MOANING MYRTLE !!!!!! The lucky devil gets to share a bubble bath with Harry. And gets to tease him in the process. This scene is peppered with subtle sexual innuendoes (hey, hey, there are kids in here), but funny as hell.
It’s not an easy task, transforming a 636-pages-brick-of-a-book into a 2 1/2 hour long movie, and so many things are left out (SPEW, house-elfs, Hagrid’s Blast-ended Skrewts, The Dursleys, among others). Walaupun ada flaws di sana sini, namun Mike Newell telah memberikan aku (dan ribuan Potterhead sedunia) apa yg kami mahu setelah lebih setahun setengah menunggu. I left the cinema with a big grin on my face. Seperti Moaning Myrtle selepas Harry keluar dari Prefect’s Bathroom tu… Wicked.
The Se7en MemeTak sangka aku sudah kena tag dgn mamatinie[dot]blogspot utk buat benda nih. Anyway, dah mmg kegemaran aku membuat meme ni, so here goes… 7 perkara penting “must be done” sebelum mati
Actually, as I grew older (and wiser, perhaps), this list pun bertukar. Kalau 5 tahun dulu, senarai ni akan dipenuhi ngan benda2 crap duniawi, e.g. Nak gi bungee jumping la, nak pierce at least 5 parts of my body, nak dye rambut biru, tapi now, Alhamdulillah, aku lebih realistik (dan siuman). Ini dia..
1) Cuba balas jasa mak & ayah Bila dah ada anak sendiri, baru tau betapa besarnya pengorbanan ibu bapa kita. Aku takmoh jadi anak derhaka, and akan cuba sedaya upaya aku utk membuat mereka bahagia.
2) Cukupkan saham akhirat Kalau boleh sebelum mati aku nak cukupkan kesemua 5 rukun Islam, malah try buat lebih dr itu. Bak kata Raihan – Ingat 5 perkara, Sebelum 5 perkara.
3) Membentuk keluarga bahagia dunia & akhirat Suatu perkahwinan akan berjaya jika kedua2 pihak saling memahami & bertolak ansur. It takes two to tango.
4) Nak jadi Mama yg WORLD Aku nak Ikmal dan adik2nya (jika ada) bangga mempunyai Mama seperti aku.
5) Kumpul harta Aku nak hidup SENANG, bukan MEWAH (walaupun rumah aku dekat ngan Pandan Mewah). Aku nak masuk sebanyak mana peraduan yg boleh, dan kumpul duit/harta ngan jalan yg halal.
6)Turunkan berat badan Body sekarang ni lebih kurang mcm wanita2 filem Tinto Brass (exeggerate, sorry! Jgn nak bayangkan bukan2 !), tapi aku rasa akan lebih best kalau dapat shed a few pounds. Mungkin tercapai hasrat aku nak pakai kebaya nyonya…
7) [Reserved] Bak kata Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, ini merupakan satu goal self actualisation yg aku sendiri belum terfikir lagi. Tengok la nanti…
7 perkara yg aku tak boleh buat
Termasuklah yg aku tak nak buat, dan tak reti nak buat. Benda yg paling terrer aku buat ialah buat bodo.
1) Sukan Sama ngan kau la Mamatinie. Physique mmg mcm sportsman, tapi kalau suruh lumba lari, hampeh. Game satu benda pun tak main. Bola ? Jauh sekali. Aku lebih suka benda2 senam otak.
2) Public Speaking Termasuk bab2 negotiating. Mmg aku dilahirkan utk menjadi seorg yg introvert di dunia nyata. Bagi la aku setimbun report utk disiapkan, asalkan jgn suruh aku ke depan dan bercakap.
3) Pakai slack, blouse dan sandal perempuan Sampai sekarang aku tak reti. Hari2 gi kerja aku pakai baju kurung, sbb selesa, dan senang nak bergerak. Kalau outing, aku lebih selesa ngan jeans, t shirt dan selipar. Aku bukan fashionista.
4) Baca novel cintan Aku boleh terima konsep witchcraft/ wizardry/ magic/ mystical creatures/ spooks/ bots/ sci-fi/ dinosaurs/ ghouls/ tapi aku masih takleh terima konsep cinta/ hati yg terluka dan yg sewaktu dengannya.
5) Shop for clothes/ shoes/ jeweleries Bukan takleh, tapi tak berapa reti. Kalau shop for DVD/ books aku reti le.
6) Anyam ketupat Ada sebabnya mengapa Adabi menjual ketupat segera.
7) Sembelih ayam, lembu atau binatang2 yg sewaktu dengannya
Entah mengapa aku tak tergamak…
7 perkara menarik pada lelaki (luaran mostly)
Aku dah kawin, tapi ni cuma 7 perkara menarik yg bisa membuatkan aku memandang seseorang lelaki itu lebih dr sekali.
1) Specky. Tatau le naper dr dulu aku suka tgk guys in glasses. Eg, Harry Potter, James Spader (Stargate). But definitely not Napoleon or Kip Dynamite.
2) Powerful, charismatic men. I mean, seorang yg berbakat besar dlm bidang politik, seni, agama, etc. Rupa belakang kira.
3) Bald guys. Certain bald guys. E.g Vin Diesel as Richard B. Riddick, Mitch Pileggi as Skinner in X Files, Michael Rosenbaum in Smallville. Sexy !
4) Lembut (bukan lembik) Yup, aku suka lelaki yg in touch with their feminine side, but not necessarily gay. E.g. Leslie Cheung (Farewell My Concubine), The Fab 5 (Esp Kian & Jai).
5) Icy stare. Renungan yg membunuh. E.g Maksim the piano player, Vince Vaughn, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin.
6) Blond rebels. I love bad boys. E.g. Marshall Mathers, Draco Malfoy, Mike Teavee (Charlie & The Chocolate Factory)
7) Ehem. Zack, kau dah kawin, ingat tu…
7 perkara yg aku selalu cakap
1) Allahu Akbar.. 2) Apa barang ? 3) Kepala hangguk 4) Janji World 5) Mender ? 6) Naper ? 7) Opocot !
7 celebrities crushes
Not really crushes la. Just celebs yg aku minat. Aku listkan ikut kronologi. Gelak la, jgn tak gelak…(aku sindri geleng kepala..) Mmm, Coy, if u’re reading this, pls remind me kalau aku terlupa sesapa.
1) Masa sekolah rendah – Rick Astley, Michael Jackson (!!!), Matt Trekker (M.A.S.K),Transformer, Jem & The Holograms, Thundercats, The Greatest American Hero.
2) Masa sekolah menengah – Bebudak Exists (aku beli semua majalah yg ada artikel/gambar diorg), 4U2C, rockers Melayu otai e.g. Meditasi (Azreen), Black Rose (Jepp), Wow (Ady), dan sekutu2nya. New Kids On The Block (I Heart Donnie Wahlberg). Tommy Page. MacGyver. Freddy Krueger. Azwan Ali. (*geleng kepala 18 kali*)
3) Pre-U (sebelum ke ITM) – Harrison Ford, Leslie Cheung, Benny Mok
4) UITM Diploma – Kurt Cobain, Eddie Vedder, Chris Cornell
5) UITM Degree – Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Shah Rukh Khan
6) Now – Jude Law, Clive Owen, Cillian Murphy, Russell Crowe, Fahrin Ahmad, Jehan Miskin, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton, James & Oliver Phelps, Adrien Brody, Jay Chou, aisey ramai lagi la.
7) Takyah la, kat atas tu dah ramai dah...
7 org yg kene perah otak buat mcm ni Sesapa jelah yg rajin dan banyak masa terluang…
Dark & Difficult Times Lie Ahead, Harry…Tanda2 Anda Seorang Peminat Fanatik Harry Potter (Versi Pra-GOF)
1. Anda menonton kembali DVD HP1 hingga HP3 berulang2 kali, semata2 kerana tidak sanggup menunggu sehingga tibanya 17 November 2005. Anda juga memaksa anak anda menonton sekali, memperkenalkannya dgn watak2 HP, serta mengajarnya cara2 menyebut jampi2 dgn betul.
2. Anda tersenyum sendiri dan hampir menitiskan air mata setiap kali menaiki monorel ke stesen Maharajalela kerana di situ tersergam poster besar HP4: GoF. (Bayangkan babak ketika Saruman memperkenalkan bala tenteranya kepada Grima Wormtongue dalam LOTR : TTT.)
3. Desktop anda dihiasi dgn wallpaper Triwizard Tournament – I Support Harry Potter.
4. Anda berasa sangat geram dan ingin menulis kepada Rupert Grint aka Ronald Weasley agar memotong rambutnya agar nampak lebih kemas, dan tidak berserabut mcm Scabbers (bekas tikusnya a.k.a Peter Pettigrew)…
Betul, takde pun watak budak Melayu dalam buku ni. Si JKR ni mmg nak kena…
5. …dan menyuruh Tom Felton aka Draco Malfoy memanjangkan sikit rambut blond-nya supaya nampak lebih seksi…
6. …dan sekarang anda rasa seperti pedofail pulak, kerana meminati anak2 bawah umur.
7. Setiap kali anda bertemu rakan2, anda akan memberitahu – “Lagi 6 hari…”, sambil tersenyum, kerana anda mengira setiap detik sehingga tibanya 17 November 2005.
8. Anda meng’klik’ ke laman2 web yg berkaitan dgn HP (Mugglenet, veritaserum, HPANA misalnya) setiap 15 minit kerana tidak mahu ketinggalan dgn setiap update mengenai HP…
9. … termasuklah laman web, walaupun anda tak faham sepatah haram pun apa yg ditulis di website tuh. Janji ada gambar/ update terbaru HP.
10. Pekedai berbangsa India di depan Giant Sg Wang sudah mula menjeling2 anda kerana setiap hari anda membelek majalah2 di kedainya, semata2 kerana ingin melihat watak2 atau artikel mengenai HP. Termasuklah majalah Cina.
11. Anda ingin membuat petition kepada JK Rowling agar memasukkan watak pelajar Melayu ke dalam senarai pelajar Hogwarts utk buku seterusnya, kerana setakat nih, dah ada pelajar berbangsa Cina (Cho Chang) dan India (si kembar Padma & Parvati Patil)…
12. ….dan anda mencadangkan agar JKR menggunakan nama sebenar anda dgn alasan ianya sedap didengar dan nampak lebih WORLD. (Perasan gila !!!!)
13. Walaupun anda sedang sibuk gila dgn tugasan harian di rumah dan pejabat, anda masih mempunyai masa utk membuat senarai ini !
Life Is Too Short To Ponder On NothingnessWanita itu Ibarat Sang Cenderawasih Yang harus bangkit setiap kali ditimpa musibah Kerana Allah telah mengurniakannya Dengan kekuatan dalaman Walau luarannya Selembut sutera
Dumbledore menyaksikan Fawkes sang cenderawasih bangkit dari abu (HP2:TCoS)
Air mata Bukan sekadar pengubat duka dan luka Malah menjadi penawar Ketika malang menimpa
Hidup mesti terus Dan semoga hari esok akan lebih baik Daripada semalam.
Terima kasih semua kerana setia bersama2 aku all this while. Walaupun kita tak pernah bersua muka, namun kehadiran kalian semua dalam hidup aku amat bermakna sekali. Terima kasih kerana mendengar.
I'm a number cruncher, married and a mother to 2 handsome young boys ~ Ikmal & Nabil. Also a self-confessed movie freak, a walking dictionary of useless facts and I just love swapping postcards. I love loud music, black t-shirts, good books and hot caramel macchiato. I hate hypocrisy, the colour pink, rude people, busy-bodies and those with 'holier than thou' attitude. :)
I blog 'coz I hate talking. In real life, I'm this quiet person, often immersed in my own virtual world of obsessions, work and whatnot. Comments, suggestions, brickbats (even virtual cupcakes!) are loved, as long as you use the proper channels a.k.a the comments thingy or my e-mail ~ zackzip [at] hotmail [dot] com.