A Different Kind of Fire Inside
My Chemical mojo is at all time low, y’all
Hmm… macam mana nak tau kalau mojo aku (read: obsesi) aku tentang something tu is at a declining state? Well, firstly, the moment aku tengok gambar diorang atau dengar lagu diorang, aku tak rasa apa2. No feelings at all. I was looking at my Gerard’s folder last night, and I though, hey? Where’s the fire? Where’s the passion and the burning desire (go ahead and laugh fuckers :P) Sebelum ni, setiap kali aku terdengar atau terlihat something yang mengingatkan aku kepada diorang, aku akan rasa this warm fuzzy feeling inside. Tak kira la, Frankfurter ke, PLUS highWAY ke, Bob the Builder ke, I have this ability to relate every random things that I see to this band, but now, cam takde. Same goes with their websites. Kalau dulu, aku mesti nak check setiap site yang related, mcm LJ, for any updates on them, but now, kalau aku tak bukak pun tak terasa sangat. Why ah? Why?
Afi dan Mama (Ikmal)
Yeah! I have a new fave album, one which I’ve been listening over and over again for the last couple of days. It’s AFI’s Decemberunderground (2006), their 7th album to date, and the second after switching to a major label. I’m still downloading their 2003 album titled Sing the Sorrow though, dan aku rasa la, fanbase AFI jadi makin luas lepas album ke-6 ni, just like MCR after the release of The Black Parade. Macam MCR juga, aku semacam dapat mengagak reaksi hardcore fans diorang bila band ni beralih angin daripada hardcore dan hardcore punk ke irama yang lebih mainstream (masih rock tetapi lebih kepada synth-pop dan new wave dan even gasp! TECHNO! ~ which means, masih pleasant to my ears dan aku masih boleh relate kepada lagu2 tersebut). Antara lagu2 yang best dalam album ni ialah.. semua sekali! Haha! Except for Kill Caustic yang selalunya aku skip sebab too hard for my poor ears, imho. Personally, I love Prelude 12/21, Miss Murder, The Interview, Summer Shudder dan Love Like Winter.
Video klip Miss Murder ni diarahkan oleh (Super) Marc Webb dan Director’s Cut menampilkan lagu pertama dalam album DU iaitu Prelude 12/21. Aku macam dah boleh agak stail Marc Webb (settingnya, manipulating extras to make a raging crowd, positioning of the band members) and what can I say, I love, love love this song so much! The vocalist, Davey Havok, punya suara yang aku rasa, ada ala2 Robert Smith, sementara Jade Puget, the guitarist with cool hair, is affectionately known as the pink-wearing ninja (another gasp!), man, this is like the only guy I know that can wear pink and get away with it (and looked damn hot too!).
Love Like Winter ~ Holy cow! Now that's what I call eyelashes!!! Haha, call it emo, call Davey the clone of Marilyn Manson, heck, call it techno! This song is so good, it's dance-able, YEAH! (And Jade is yummy!)
Heh, tatau la sampai bila lak demam AFI aku ni. Heh. At least bukan demam AF (or dAFI, for that matter) :P
Hehe, scene tambahan, semalam…
Ikmal: Mama, nak tengok yang main gitar rambut macam Ikmal (sambil tunjuk rambut dia)
Me: Yang mana satu? Ray Toro ke?
Ikmal : Bukan RayToyo.
Me: Joe ke ? (FOB’s Thnks Fr Th Mmrs ~ tapi aku terpaksa censor part kissing Pete Wentz tu)
Ikmal : Bukaaaan. Yang lagu henpon mama tu.
Me: Oh, yang tu. Ish, budak ni. (pasang video What I’ve Done ~ hehe, aku lupa lak si Brad pun dah sport a fro) :P
Cepatlah 14 Mei….
Labels: Music