I'm Attacking The Darkness!!! and Other Stories
a.k.a what happens when the guys decided to play Dungeons & Dragons. LMFAO!
Probably inspired by this line here…
"You like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, Fangoria, Harry Houdini and croquet. Can’t swim, can’t dance, don’t know karate. Face it. You’re never gonna make it."
Ray to Gerard in I’m Not Okay (I Promise)
Part 1
Part 2
Frank Iero as Teh N00bRay Toro as That One Guy Who Likes Cheetos and Mountain Dew
Gerard Way as The Elfand Bob Bryar as The Magical Watchdog/ A GIRL!!! (in the second video.) Poor Bob :P
Credits to insertwithere for the first video and girltiffany for the second one. Thanks a lot!Update:
We took Ikmal to the clinic tonight because both his palms are peeling. Tak tau macam mana boleh jadi macam tu, mengelupas dan merah2. Memula doktor tu ingatkan HFM, tapi Alhamdulillah, cuma allergic reaction je. Doktor tu kata mungkin tangan dia tak tahan dengan chemical yang ada dalam sabun atau whatever benda yang dia main. I swear, I was *this* close to saying ‘Hell Yeah Chemical!’ when I heard him said that. LOL!Hmm… sounds familiar…
Dunno about you guys, but at first listen, I think this song by Frank’s old band, Pencey Prep, sounds eerily like a B-side of My Chemical Romance’s Early Sunset Over Monroeville. Hehe, I can’t stop giggling at the very youthful voice. (well, okay, I know he sounds much, much more aggressive in his new band, Leathermouth, but teehee *can’t control the fangirly giggle*, imho, Frank is better off as a rhythm guitarist for my favourite band. :)
Florida Plates (Pencey Prep)
Idiots :P
My fave frontman is at number 21 for The Phoenix’s 100 Unsexiest Men 2007.
Niiiice. :P
The article is here, yo.
Labels: My Chemical Romance