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Friday, June 16, 2006
  Manna From Heaven, Sweet Nectar of Life...
Kata seorang poster di JustJared dot com (bukan aku tau!),

I'm a recovering Wentworth addict, it's strange because I haven't been this obsessed with any other male celebrity before, but then again there are very few that are as (sic) gorgeus as Wentworth, lol.”

Awesome PB ScreenCaps from JustJared.com
(salah satu drp lebih 70 Wentworth pics, sekarang menjadi screen-saver PC aku. Telah diedit dengan menggunakan software digital camera, dan di activate setiap 2 minit. Yeah, it's THAT serious)

I think I need medication.

Whatever he’s using, mandrem-nya terlalu power. Tahap dewa. Serious sh*t.

So, jangan tanya bila akan ada update, kerana jika ada pun, ia tetap akan ber’bau’ Wentworth Miller (yang mana aku bayangkan adalah seperti Dior Higher atau Truth by Calvin Klein).

Atau Prison Break.

Atau yang sewaktu dengannya.

So, screw World Cup. Screw AF4. Screw my DVD's (for now). Screw everything.

Ya. Aku memang kurang sihat.
Harap maaf.

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now u scarin' me..

are u sure u're not 15 years old?
I'm a 30-year-old mom with the hormones of a 15-year old.

Yeah, blame it on His Hotness!
screw AF4 is fine lah. But screw your DVD?

I am going to kill Mr Miller.
For now, Ijan, for now...

Woi, korang kat maner ni? Edd, aku rasa kau tgh study kan? Ijan, ko stayback ke? Aku baru aje lepaih makan nasi kerabu, la ni tgh siap2 nak basuh baju seminggu punya! (Yeah, the domestic goddess baru nak tukar uniform!)
hehehe... aku nak tergelak jek kat sini. but i love u zack for being the same as u were 15 years ago! not exactly the same lah, dah jadik mak orang but at least your life doesn't seem to revolve around group mak2 jek mcm almost all mothers kat sini! ;-)
Worse, Coy, it revolves around 15-year-olds (literally). I mean, nowadays, aku spend most of my time kat imdb punya message board for Prison Break (if I’m not blogging la), and kebanyakannya kat situ bebudak remaja. Sigh, I feel old olready la…

But then, ko mesti tau aku punya history, right? When I was a teenager, ayah aku marah sangat kalau aku minat2 artis ni. Remember what happened to Donnie Wahlberg, David Dixon or Rick Astley? Damn, Coy, aku pendam aje minat tu. Termasuk terpaksa jual balik kaset NKOTB yg kita baru kongsi beli tu pada kau, sbb ayah aku marah habihkan duit elaun untuk seminggu. Until now, man, when all hell breaks loose! I mean, I can always blame the hormones, but with the dashing Wentworth Miller, who can blame me? And I think hundreds and thousands of females around the world (tak kira anak dara, mak orang atau ibu tunggal), pasti setuju ngan aku!

PS: My life kat office do revolve around mak-orangs, btw! Even nenek orangs! Sigh...
you better come back zack. Or else.. Huhuhu.. ugutan.

Yesterday night I had to stay back sampai pukul 10 something. Hari ni, orang lain sibuk shopping & tengok wayang, I had to clear my work.

Aggghhh!! Tensen!

My life revolve around my work, and makcik-makcik kat office ni yang suka sangat jaga tepi kain, seluar, mini skirt, bermudas, parios, dan stocking orang lain. CNN ada, Al Jazeera ada, BBC ada, CNBC ada, NewsAsia ada!!

How do you beat that?
Aku ingat ko ni dah gile le Zack...

Ijan, kat ofis aku pun ada, cuma tambah ESPN jek seminggu dua ni.

Yatt, tu SBMK* tu...

*statement berani mati katanya...

Biasa la Yatt, ada orang gila bola, aku gila benda ni....
sejak awak promote citer nie kat sy, selalu plak tertidur pada waktu ditayangkan..hik! rasa bersalah plak, sebab tak bleh nak jadi tempat bercerita keobsessan awak nie...sampai jadi kronik macam nie..kalau sakit biasa dah kena masuk wad dah nie..heheheh!
Tasha, kena masuk DarusSyifa la! Baru relevan.

Hah, malam ni jgn lupa lak. Michael jumpa Mrs Scofield dalam conjugal dan ada babak 'hangat' lepas tu ('Whatever you say, boss')Itu pun kalau 8tv tak potong la...
hahaha.ko tau apa zack?.ko punyer kefanatikan terhadap wenworth miller menyebabkan aku terpk apa best prison break nie? and last 2 weeks aku tgk citer tu,episod laruzi cucuk mata budak gemuk tu ngan mentol dan keputusanyaaaaaaaaaa ialah : menyesal siut tak tgk dari awal. yerp,ko telah berjaya membuatkan aku addicted dgn wenworth miller! tapi aku bukan gay. bini aku pun suka layan citer tu dan di opis aku rupanya ramai giler fanatik prison break!.

5 tanda ko ketagih prison break (utk org2 IT mcm aku).

1. Masa ko tgh buat cabling kat atas bumbung,kejap2 ko berenti kemudian jerit kat bawah,the boss is here!,the boss is here!.

2. Masa ko berteleku dlm bilik server merepair mail server.kejap2 ko ckp kat member sebelah,kalau lah semua manual nie boleh ditatukan kat satu badan aku nie kan senang.

3. Masa ko tgh repair pc. ko tak pegang tapi ko tenung giler-giler pc tu,bila org tanya apahal?.ko jwp aku cuba bayangkan litar dlm cpu tu!.

4. Masa ko bercakap dgn bos mintak beli barang guna habis utk spare part komputer.Ko bercakap ala-ala laruzi penuh dgn dendam."Bosssssss u suppose to have the money by monday!.

5. Bilik ko duduk di penuhi dgn grill dan menjelang lunch break ko selalu bayangkan apakah jalan terbaik utk keluar dari bilik tu tanpa melalui grill padahal kunci ada pada ko.

hahahaha.dan zack.mana nak cari DVD for this awesome series?.
DON !!! THANKS A LOT!!! Haha, kan aku dah kata, once you go PB, mmg addicted! btw, mob boss tu, namanya John Abruzzi.

DVD cetak rompak dah ada, tp sampai Episod 13 aje (Season 1 semua ada 22 episod, la ni diorg tgh shooting for Season 2- Prison Break: Manhunt). Btw, kat sini, ah long suma tak bukak la, maybe sbb ada ura2 nak kena raid gamaknya. Cold turkey la aku camni…

Kalo dapat, tgk la dari mula, mcm mana Scofield boleh masuk jail, sedangkan dia adalah seorang structural engineer yg berjaya, mcm mana Abruzzi potong dua jari kaki dia semata2 sbb nak dptkan info, dan T-Bag! T-Bag ialah satu watak psycho yg aku suka (lakonan Robert Knepper yg berkesan, bukan sbb dia tu seorang pedofail/racist/ perogol/ pembunuh).

And, dorg ni, depan CO (Correctional officers), panggil ‘boss’, tp kalau kat belakang, diorang panggil ‘bulls’.
Woi Zack... layan bola la sama laki kau tu. Mcm aku ngan Nadia... heheh

Errr... player bola byk yg hensem, come, sexy & cute apa? Heheh...
Mmg la hensem, comel, kacak, tegap, sasa, muskular, cute dan bermacam2 lagi. Tapi diorang bukan Wentworth Miller.
tengok penyokong bola pun best. epsecially those babes yang cukup bertank-top atau bra ajer. perrghh..

makes the game just excellent. Don't think PB gives me that kind of satisfaction.
Ijan, kalau aku nak tgk awek bertank top atau berbra, tengok diri sendiri dah le! Apa le kau ni...
Ha ah... gambor fans lagi best!! Heheh...

Aku tiap2 hari layan gambo dari AP, AFP dan Reuters kat opis ni... heheheh... perghhhhh!!
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I'm a number cruncher, married and a mother to 2 handsome young boys ~ Ikmal & Nabil. Also a self-confessed movie freak, a walking dictionary of useless facts and I just love swapping postcards. I love loud music, black t-shirts, good books and hot caramel macchiato. I hate hypocrisy, the colour pink, rude people, busy-bodies and those with 'holier than thou' attitude. :) I blog 'coz I hate talking. In real life, I'm this quiet person, often immersed in my own virtual world of obsessions, work and whatnot. Comments, suggestions, brickbats (even virtual cupcakes!) are loved, as long as you use the proper channels a.k.a the comments thingy or my e-mail ~ zackzip [at] hotmail [dot] com.

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