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Tuesday, July 03, 2007
  More Than Meets The Eye, and teh Freakin Bladder

Imdb’s daily poll question for today…

Aside from the cost of the ticket, what is the top way that a theater (not an audience) can ruin your movie-going experience?

The poll maker has given a few options like too many non-movie related commercials prior to the movie, too few/ many trailers prior to the movie, problems with the sound/screen but for me, the ultimate spoil-sport thingy that annoys the hell outta me when watching a film on the big screen is a full bladder. You know, sometimes you’ve made a point to go to the loo just before the movie started but half (or three-quarter way) thru it, you suddenly feel the urge to go. You cannot tahan, you already feel like wetting your pants (well, no thanks to the incessant munching of popcorn and mineral water), but you sat still, not wanting to miss any freakin’ scene because you’ve forked out like, RM11 of your hard-earned dosh to watch this film and you know that you won’t have this opportunity to watch it again because you’re too freakin busy and shit. You know that feeling? Hell yeah!!!

Transformers (2007)

My new, shiny Transformer poster, courtesy of Empire magazine (UK edition ~ hence the release date – 27-07-07). Aku ada lagi satu free double sided giant Grindhouse poster (sebelah Planet Terror dan sebelah lagi Death Proof), tapi takut kontroversi lak kalau letak kat kubikel orang mengandung. :P (Yes, it featured a hawt Rose McGowan with that machine gun for a leg). Pretty hard to use, imho, if compared to Sex- Machine’s dick of a gun dalam From Dusk Till Dawn.

Date: 29 June 2007
Time: 12.00pm
Venue: GSC, Berjaya Times Square
Kudapan: Large caramel popcorn + mineral water.
Watched it with : Smiley


10 Things about this films:

1. My first reaction upon seeing this film ~ Sucre!. Haha, aku tatau yang Amaury Nolasco ada berlakon sekali. Nampak stereotypical though, sebab wataknya tak banyak berbeza dengan Fernando Sucre dalam Prison Break.

2.The unnecessary long, funny scenes ? Especially when the robots are hiding at Sam’s house, masa Josh Duhamel nak buat call thru that annoying international operator and that black hacker dude. Mungkin sebab ada budak2 kot? Anyway, aku suka part Sam’s Happy Time. Hiya Shia!

Well, hello thurr LADIESMAN217! Pic from shialabeouf.us

3. And speaking of Shia LaBeouf, dia merupakan salah seorang child star yang aku suka walaupun dah grow up to be, uhm, grown up dashing anak ikan yang cute terbabom child star (lain2 ialah Lucas Black dan Joseph Gordon-Levitt). Macaulay Culkin? Well, aku suka dia dalam Party Monster, hehe…

4. Megan Fox nampak macam terlalu tua untuk hero kita. Atau Sam yang terlalu baby-faced?

5. Fight antara Autobots dan Decepticons kat tengah2 bandar tu, macam selalu dah aku tengok, cuma tukar robot dengan Godzilla atau King Kong atau mutan. CGI-nya agak kelam kabut sebab aku tak nampak robot mana lawan mana.

6. Satu lagi perkara yang membuat aku tak puas hati, ialah macam mana Sam/ Mikaela tak patah tengkuk atau tulang2 atau calar balar walaupun duduk dalam tangan Optimus Prime. The same thing that bugs me from seeing Naomi Watts in Peter Jackson’s King Kong.

7. Aku tau StarScream merupakan robot yang bad-a$$ tapi aku rasa wataknya dalam filem ni kurang menonjol. In fact, except for Barricade dan Frenzy yang muncul pada awal2 filem, Decepticons lain2 tak muncul sehinggalah pada tiga suku terakhir filem ni. Dan masa ni le jugak aku dah tak tahan nak terkucil, tapi tahan jugak sebab bak kata Aerosmith la “I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing”.

8. Is it just me or e-bay dan Michael Bay tu adik beradik ? :P

9. Kata Smiley ~"Banyaknya propaganda!" Heh, whaddaya expect from an American film? Heh, lepas ni aku nak suggest dia nonton Team America: World Police. At least ada puppet sex! :D

10. Wah lau eh, walaupun hari Jumaat tengah hari, panggung dekat nak penuh dan aku sangat2 takjub tengok begitu ramai lelaki2 Melayu (Islam) terakhir yang ponteng solat Jumaat sebab nak tengok Transformers. Lebih takjub daripada CGI yang digunakan dalam filem ni.

Aku bagi : ****/*****.

Am gonna watch it again with Ikmal, Insya Allah, but I have to censor certain parts la. And the soundtrack is freakin awesome!!! (SP + LP FTW!)


I've watched Team America:World Police and throughout the movie I was like,"wtf?","wtf?"
tapi still tgk sampai habis.then cursed myself for wasting that one hour plus2 tgk crite yg {insert word here}

menyesal seumur idop.

as for Trans.I dont have any expectations coz I never really like 'em.tapi sbb hubby die-hard,kene la ikot.
Heh, lucky you! I just watched this film because I myself is a die-hard fan. Dan my son pun suka gak sebab prior to this, I keep downloading TF clips from YouTube dan dia pun suka! (tapi dia selalu silap sebut Transforner atau Transporter la, hehe). As for my hubby, well, he’s not a fan. Suffice to say la, bila tanya dia nama2 robot kat poster Transformer tu, katanya, yang tu "Protect" dan yang satu lagi tu "Destroy". *head desk*

PS: Ash, I think I’ve tried leaving comments on your blog once, tapi takleh la. Something to do with the image verification ke agaknya.
Starscream mmg jahat tapi kemudian dia berpaling tadah dah join autobots,rasanya lepas dia kena gulingkan balik oleh megatron yang baru bila megatron yang lama tu mati.(ini dalam siri tv and movie kartun dia).

aku rasa mmg akan ada TF 2 nanti,bila optimus dah tua ganti dengan rodimus prime which is bukan kepala lori tapi drag car dimana satu babak yang menyayat hati bila optimus nak mati dia soh si rodimus prime ni bukak dada dia amik power source (sorf off macam jantung dia lah) utk jadikan rodimus ni pengganti dia.
(yg itu aku ingat sbb aku tgk kartun TF ada dekat 15 kali aku ulang masa kecik2 dulu)..

apa-apahal pun aku suka TF yg ni walaupun bak kata kau CGI dia mmg keliru mungkin robot2 ni tak berwarna-warni sgt macam dalam kartun.

aku tunggu thudercats movie pulak ah. siapalah agakny sesuai jadi cheetara?. nyam!nyam!
oit oitt pegi xajak pon :p

anyway, tak sempat ndak tgk lagik. sbb dh berjanji ngan Medd ndak tgk skalik tp ader ajerk halangannyer *sgt syahdu* mintak2 laa this weekend line clear...

My first reaction upon seeing this film ~ Sucre!.

SUCRE?!!! ohmyGod. kn tgk!
I think its fixed already.I'm new kat blogsome.
should be ok kot

i, too, thought megan fox looks a bit old in the movie. but she looks even older in publicity pics. and shia has good comic timing, i gotta say. he is good. have u ever watched one of his earlier films called 'holes'?
Don: Fulamakatak la kau punya explanation pasal sejarah Transformers. Aku pun ingat2 lupa. And, kalau Thundercats dibuat filim, aku rasa la, yang paling seswai jadi Cheetara ialah Jessica Biel, Matthew McCougnaughey (malas ah aku nak check spelling) jadi Lion-O dan mamat yang jadi DL dalam Heroes tu boleh jadi Panthero.

PS: Hah, aku macam nak tergelak tengok Bumblebee merajuk sebab Mikaela kata dia tukar jadi kereta buruk. Macam orang kita gak la, kalau ada rasa2 nak tukar kereta, jangan mention kat depan kereta kita, nanti dia buat2 rosak la, takleh start la…

Sha: Weekend ramai la. Akak pun tatau bila nak bawak Ikmal sebab every weekend sibuk (wedding memanjang!) dan la ni takleh nak cuti sebab tengah memangku my boss cuti bersalin. :(

Ash: Will check it out! ;)
GK: I think I’ve seen the DVD somewhere, but lemme just check if it’s still in my folders. I’ve seen him in Constantine and I, Robot though, and thoroughly enjoyed his banter with his elder sister in Even Stevens.
tue la pasal weekend ramai giler. spoil takleh ndak pegi malam sbb cik Medd tue class nyer, ya Rabbi pack giler. mintak2 lps wat online booking...

have you watch Trans : first look? org dah burnkan but tak sempat ndak post la plaks. esok insyaAllah pegi post office ek :D

btw bkn kat depan kete jerk takleh ckp camtue, dpn enset/pc and whatnot pon ayat tue sgt sensitive. ("ko dengar tue, Medd?")
eh ehh wait, bkn dulu ader rumors ckp ndak wat citer Dragonball ker? kalau tak incik Hugh Jackman jadik Goku but ader schedule conflict ker hape. xjadik ker cite tue? ker rumors semata2?
Lion-O - beefed-up Heath Ledger
Cheetara - blonde Carla Cugino
Panthro - Jamie Foxx

ok tak?

Haven't seen TF yet. No time. Yes, it sucks.
Sha: Whatta hell? Enche Wolverine jadi SonGoku? Apsal? Sebab rambut sama kembang ke? It’s totally wrong, dude, so wrong. And oso, nak cakap omputeh ke, cakap Jepang? hehe....

Edd: Tell me about it :(. Kekadang aku rasa fed-up sangat with all this shitty rules, aku rasa takyah bagi aku elaum tu pun takpe, janji aku dapat cuti. Penat la siot.

Heath? You mean, Enche Joker kita? Nonono, lepas jadi joker mungkin orang dah chop dia sebagai Joker, just like Wolverine, yang mana kalau kau mention, mesti terbayang Hugh Jackman. And Carla Gugino – hell yeah!

PS: Aku rasa Yatt ada buat post pasal filem Thundercats kat blog dia la. Do check it out guys!
biar betol
erk..hugh jackman?
morning Zack! dropping by to say Hi ^^
btw,I love your new pozter...I can't wait to get my own cubicle..lol.
Oh hai Angela! How's your studies? How many semesters to go? Heh, I'm sure you'll get your own cubes in due time...
dok mentioned psl Thundercats nie, sampai terbawak2 ke mimpi. sampai tgk kittens this morning pon bley tergelak sensorg *geleng pala*

anyway yg psl Dragonball the movie tue tatau betul ker tak. I think it's a huuuuugeeee news time 2005 (ker?) and Hugh Jackman name disebut2 as top choice for Goku. and if I'm not mistaken, Jess Alba as Bulma. but tak sure laa rumors ker hape but if it's true, patut start shooting this/next year.

ps : how bout Matthew Fox (Lost) as baddie dlm superhero movie? (though tak brape ingat superhero yg maser)
Mmm, mixed feeling dengan transformers nih.
ish... time bz ni la TF kuar... ok ape tiket RM11... kat sini NZD$15 ..nak download ...yg ada versi wayang... ish... err... Megan Fox tu bukan yang jadi cikgu dlm Bridge to Tarabitha ke? ...kalau minah tu la... memang nampak tua... tak kira sape.. yg penting ada autobot... tak minat TF versi Rodimus Prime tak bes langsung... minat yg versi Manga/Anime jee...
yg jadi cikgu Bridge terabithia tu Zoe Deschenel. dia belakon gak (suara je) dlm Surf's Up. Heck, Shia pun ada dlm Surf's Up. Zek, ko dah tengok Surf Up? memang best, style ala-ala reality show mcm ada satu show kat mtv tu.

Sori for the lack of update. Busy giler sekarang nih.

Sha: Matthew Fox ada berlakon dalam filem Vantage Point, maybe kuar panggung tahun depan (tapi kat monorel station dah start main trailer dia).

Vovin: Mixed feelings tu, lepas tengok ke, sebelum tengok?

Oon: Kau kat NZ buat apa? Ternak kambing ke? heh, glad to hear from you. Honestly la, aku takleh dengar nama Rodimus Prime tu, sebab aku dok terbayang budak Rodi kumpulan Kristal tuh.

Mensh: Maybe aku tunggu kuar DVD ajelah. Aku nak tengok Jon Heder berlakon jadi ayam (?) does the chicken have large talons, dan The Dude.
Hi Zack! Just wanted you to know that I'm now in my final year.I'm currently doing practical training nearby my house..so mostly my normal day would be coding the codes. Lol.Take care.
Coding teh codes? Ooop, no comprehendo, my dear. Nearby your house as in KL or Sabah/ Sarawak?
Ohayo Zack..just passing by to kill the time..the office's in KL...cannot jauh-jauh i'm a homesick brat.Lol.oh by the way,I'm doing as a system developer ^^
Seriously this guy review Transformer movie in the best way possible.


Definitely worth reading material.
well aku tak pasti if any of u sini members transmy (malaysian transformers fan web). Citra ni memang dinantikan 4 years ago dan bila tgk memang ok je la.

Byk iklan dan hina gak..contoh kereta bumblee bee yg orginal dlm cartoon sebenarnya kereta Volk tapi dlm citer tu ada part kereta Volks di slam...hehehehe..dan juga Porch..cam sial je depa hina..yela..aku pun tak berapa suka tgk bumblee bee jadi kereta lain...nasib baik depa bagitau kat forum transformer USA..kalau Bublee bee tetap Volkswagen..camner kereta tu nak laju..so kena la up lain lak since Volks tak nak take part...ok lah

tak sabar nak tunggu crita IRON MAN the Movie dan juga Wonder Women the Movie last this year dan next year...GO!!! Transformer 2 akan dtg..Starscream lari...muahahaha
Welcome aboard. Eh, mamat akubetul tu macam selalu ku tengok kat blog Roslan sms je.

Kereta VW telah dihina dgn teruk dalam Herbie Fully Loaded, hehe..

As for Iron Man & WW, aku nya excitement sekarang baru suam2 kuku je, tapi aku excited gila sebab Maggie Gyllenhaal gantikan Katie Holmes dalam The Dark Knight!!!
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I'm a number cruncher, married and a mother to 2 handsome young boys ~ Ikmal & Nabil. Also a self-confessed movie freak, a walking dictionary of useless facts and I just love swapping postcards. I love loud music, black t-shirts, good books and hot caramel macchiato. I hate hypocrisy, the colour pink, rude people, busy-bodies and those with 'holier than thou' attitude. :) I blog 'coz I hate talking. In real life, I'm this quiet person, often immersed in my own virtual world of obsessions, work and whatnot. Comments, suggestions, brickbats (even virtual cupcakes!) are loved, as long as you use the proper channels a.k.a the comments thingy or my e-mail ~ zackzip [at] hotmail [dot] com.

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