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Thursday, November 02, 2006
  Thursday Thirteen #5
Holy Guacamole!

* Spoilers ahoy! *

Walaupun aku bukanlah shipper MiSa yang kronik, tapi these screencaps from the upcoming Episode (0210) Rendezvous, really gives me the shivers. It’s like ‘The Key’ all over again.

Sara : *looks left and right* Ok nobody’s here. Now bend over!

Sara : (thinking) Man, those babies are HUGE! (I’m talking about the toes, you sickos!)

C’mon Michael, show me some more skin. Pretty please. I missed those tattoos…Damnit! We're not in Fox River anymore!

Pics from imafuzzball [dot] livejournal [dot] com. Thanks, babe.

So far, aku baru tonton sampai Ep. 7 - Unearthed. At this juncture, two of the Fox River 8 dah mati ~ John Abruzzi, dalam satu ambush yang sangat dramatik (“I kneel only to God”) I mean, wtf, dah escape tu, just go away as far as possible. Take your wife and kids and scram! But no, dia masih dengan obsesinya pada Fibonacci. Oh ya, David ‘Tweener’ Apolskis pun dah RIP, no thanks to Agent Mahone. (But not before expressing his admiration to Debra Jean Belle, awek kolej yang menolongnya suatu ketika dulu) ;( Aight, yo. RIP. Satu lagi watak utama yang dah RIP is Sara’s dad- Governor Frank Tancredi, yang allegedly hanged himself setelah mendapat tau yang Lance (kawan baru Sara) sebenarnya ialah Kellerman in disguise. Hell. I can’t wait.

At this moment, aku masih lagi menanti keluarnya Galaxie 1 November. Setiap hari (sejak 29/10/06) aku jenguk kedai2 majalah yang aku jumpa, tapi masih lum ada. * sigh…* Sampai termimpi2 nak buka Galaxie dan nampak my Went inside…(serious shit, man. Betul. Aku tak tipu).

And just because it's Thursday.

Classy classic.

13 Reasons Why I Admired Wentworth Earl Miller iii

1. The rich background ("A racial community provides not only a sense of identity, that luxury of looking into another's face and seeing yourself reflected back, but a sense of security and support.")
2. The voice (Liquid Honey)
3. The brain
4. The eyes (Blue Steel on Steroids)
5. The long, lithe fingers
6. The homely nerd ("I go to the library, I do a lot of reading, I eat at Subway. When I need some boxers I go to the Gap.")
7. The struggle to the top ("... I value the experience I did have behind that desk because to make it in this business, you need the soul of an artist but the pulse of a bureaucrat. If you're waiting tables, waiting for your break, and you're not willing to come home every night after a long shift at the restaurant and stuff your head-shots and resumes into envelopes to send out to agents and managers, you're not going to make it. It's not going to happen for you.")
8. The mystery (about, ahem, his sexual orientation)
9. The passion for literature (His undergraduate thesis is ‘Doubling and the Identity Construct in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper," Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea, and Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre’ ("I wrote on the idea of doubling and the gender identity construct in Jane Eyre and The Wide Sargasso Sea – which is about identifying yourself; perceiving yourself through the eyes of the dominant white male hierarchy.") Oh my.
10. The appearance in Ms. Mariah’s videos (made me loved Ms Carey again. Seriously.)
11. The character Michael Scofield ("All [Michael Scofield] has is his wits. He's not a superhero. He doesn't have any Jackie Chan martial-arts moves, ... And every episode, his planning and preparation and cleverness run smack into the wall of fate, chance, accident, human nature – things you can't predict or prepare for.")
12. The mole on his left temple (affectionately referred to as ‘The Kennys’) and...
13. The humble one ("I don't feel any particular pressure to be the cute one. That's Dominic's territory.")

* just another long, loud sigh *

NB: Went quotes courtesy of fcowm.com

Update as at 1.51pm:

Arrrhhggghhghg!!!! Aku dah beli Galaxie!!!!! (the title is – Hunk Alert! Men we love on TV) Shit, man. Aku rasa mesti orang heran tengok naper aku dok senyum jek jalan laju dari Sg Wang ke ofis aku. Sampai ke telinga, man!!!! Woweeee!!! I’m so freakin’ ecstatic right now!!! (siapa lagi jadi mangsa, kalau bukan si Smiley Morning, hehe, sorry beb.)

Wentworth’s best features (according to Galaxie)
- Gaunt killer cheekbones (check)
- Quizzical brows (check)
- Intense look and…(check)
- Super high IQ. (oh my)

But, why, why, why, pretty please, Galaxie, why the heck did ya use the same shirtless *drool*, tattoed *drool some more* picture of Went? Are you trying to give me some cardiac arrest??? Haha! Just kidding. Thank you vvvv much for putting my fave celeb on the cover! Love you guys, muahs!!!!

PS : To the magazine seller, great, just great. Aku baru jek perasan. Dalam banyak2 tempat nak letak price tag RM3 tu, ko lekatkan kat kepala Wentworth ye. Kurang asam gelugoq!!!

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Holy shit rajin nye ngko!!
Lunch hour man. I was bored.
holy crap! its the wenty-fever again! what happen to the M.D.?
The M.D is on M.C. Or M.I.A.

(Aku dah stop sampai habis season 2 hari tuh)
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