My So-Called Mental Notes For Today
Aku memang busy these few days, tapi ada macam2 benda nak citer. Nak blog from home, PC dah di conquer dek anak aku, but anyhow, these are a few mental notes that I’ve made recently that have GOT to be put into writing here.
Bikin Malu, Dong!
Ah, it’s that time of the year again. Masa di mana ramai umat2 Melayu berkumpul di satu dewan yang besar sambil y’know, bla bla bla yadda yadda yadda. I mean, I don’t get politics. I can never will. Especially bila muncul kes2 macam that unauthorized mansion and some other shits that I don’t bother to know. (Kau jawab la kat akhirat, mo-fos!)
Anyway, pagi ni, di stesen LRT, ada la sekumpulan jejaka2 kacak lengkap bersamping songket, berbaju Melayu dan bersongkok, serta memakai tag delegate untuk perhimpunan tu lah. Bila tren sampai, aku nampak dua drp diorang terus duduk di seat kosong tanpa menghiraukan ada sorang nyonya tua berbangsa Cina yang membawa cucu2nya ke sekolah (ada la dalam 4 orang). Aku tunggu jugak bila la mamat dua orang ni nak bangun ke, bagi seat to the old lady tu ke (I mean, just a gesture), tapi hampeh. Nil. Zilch. Nada. Takde, selamba je duduk macam takde apa2 yang patut dirisaukan. Mana dia unsur2 budi bahasa yang kau sibuk2 canangkan tu? Mana? Pray tell me, guys, sebab I just can’t see it.
I mean, kalaulah, KALAULAH kau bagi tempat duduk kepada yang memerlukan (ianya common sense, yo), I could’ve smiled at you approvingly. Heck, you could’ve restored my faith in politics. Or even, I coulda took your photograph and praise you charming Malay men, for displaying such courtesy, tanpa mengambil kira the racial card (aku ternampak headline ni kat The Star tadi). Hmm… to think that orang2 ni juga yang shamelessly bashed Puan Yasmin Ahmad’s ad on courtesy. Practice what you preach, suckers. Shame on you.
Fun fact yang memalukan : Walaupun dah berusia 30 tahun, MamaIkmal tidak pernah sekali pun mengundi dalam pilihanraya umum, sebab dia tak pernah percaya dengan undi. Walaupun undian sms.
New Kid On The Block
Oh ya, SIL aku dah bersalin anak kedua petang semalam. Baby boy, 3.34 kgs. Aku? Yeah, seperti biasa si drama queen akan melalak sepuas2nya di kubikel while stuffing herself with the third round of fried beehoon and chicken rendang (aku ada jamuan hari raya semalam). Well, of course I drowned the sobbing with some Pearl Jam, Nickleback and The Shins. Life sucks big time, man. Ugh, I feel so suicidal these days (Nauzubillahiminzaalik…)
Current TV bf’s
And just because I’m feeling a bit under the weather today…my current TV bf’s. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, the two spookster brothers from Supernatural (yang baru aje muncul di free TV last weekend). Ok, ok, so aku memang ketinggalan sikit sebab takde Astro.

and Sam Winchester.
Images from provocateuse dot com.
Aku tengah layan Season 1 of Supernatural on DVD. Nothing new, I guess, just some recycled materials from The X-Files, some slasher and horror flicks, tapi dirempahkan dengan dua beradik yang kacak gila. (To paraphrase my sister yang baru bersalin tu – Jensen Ackles tu hensem nak mampus!) And yeah, I’m laying off Wentworth for now. FOR NOW.
Download yo.
Apa lagi yek. Oh ya, my brother baru jek installkan Torrent dalam PC aku, tapi aku masih lagi blur sotong on how to use it. Harap2 by this week ok kot, sebab aku dah tak sabar nak tengok siri
Heroes dan Dexter.
Oh baby, where art thou?
And since (Insya Allah) aku nak dapat anak kedua dalam next year, I’m starting my folate (folic acid) intake, y’know, just to make sure semua ok. Pergh, dah lama gila tak pregnant, it feels like my first one! Dulu masa pregnant with Ikmal, aku suka buat research dalam internet tentang all things about pregnancy, birth, all the medical gobbledygook (Apgar score? Braxton Hicks contraction?), hell, breathing exercise pun aku belajar ikut buku (which, Alhamdulillah, paid off juga sebab my gynae kata “Hey, you’re a good pusher!”, sebelum stitching THAT area. And no, aku tak ambik epidural walaupun the contraction hurts like hell! PS: Aku belum pregnant, ok. It's just that women planning on pregnancy shd take folic acid at least 3 months before conceiving. (Don't worry, Constant Readers. You'll be the first ones to know if there's a bun in me oven)
Later yo.
Work work work. :)
Labels: Personal, TVgasm