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Friday, October 13, 2006
Assalamualaikum everybody!


Setelah mendapat mandat drp. penganjur utama, Encik Yatt, we're sticking to the original plan. Me, Edd, Yatt, Nadia & K. Swan. Kalau ada yg lelain nak join atau organise a new one, silakan, but then aku tak janji yg aku dapat attend, ok. Thanks a lot, people!


Memandangkan ramai yang cannot make it sebab ada prior arrangement, apa kata kalau kita postpone next week on Monday or Tuesday? What say you? Any other suggestions? Yatt, Nadia & Kak Swan, how about you guys? And, ada sesiapa tak yg nak volunteer jadi organiser ? (maksud aku, kalau tempat yang dicadangkan tu agak jauh ke, mahal ke, etc). Just drop your suggestions here, ok!


Sesapa yang free hari ni dan takde apa2 plan untuk berbuka puasa, come join us!

Venue : Food Court, Lot 10
Masa : TBC (most probably petang la)

So far, Insya Allah, yang dah confirm:

1. Moi (mamaikmal dot blogspot)
2. Yatt ( arapayung dot blogspot)
3. Nadia (silverheadbanger dot blogspot)
4. Edd Vedder (eddvedder dot blogspot)

5. K. Swan (spaces.msn.com/reflections888)

For more info, pls write at the comments section or you can call moi at 016-6xxxxxx or Yatt (019-6xxxxxx). I will add to the list as and when korang confirm nak datang, ok!

And just a note, this is open to all - readers/ stalkers/ lurkers/ bloggers/ friends. The more the merrier, tapi kalau tak ramai, takpelah. Aiman tak kisah. Maaf kalau aku tak dapat nak menjemput kesemua sekali secara personal. If you think you're free, and no idea nak buka kat mana, join la. Kalau ada cadangan ke, whatever pun, pls leave 'em at the comments, kay!

Sesapa yg nak gi komfem la wey! Nanti aku lari ke Misty Mountains karang baru tau. Padan muka aku kena makan ikan hari-hari...:P

Thank you ols and selamat berpuasa!


alah, ngape la tak nampak awal2..dah ada org lain book kat ampang park dah...grrrrrrrrr, melepas aku nak jumpa mama zack the great
Ala, plan mengejut jek si Yatt ngan Edd tu Fadz. Aku ikut aje, sementelah hubby aku dah bagi green light nih. Tapi kena balik awal skit la.
teringin gak nak pegi Zack, tapi why Jumaat...?? ish...aku ada kelas la hari ni. Anyway, Happy Berbuka Puasa...
entahnye! can't we make it it some other day?
Hallamak, tak tau la bebs. Kitaorg pun pening gak nak decide tarikh ngan tempat nih. Mengalahkan penyimpan mohor2 besar pulak. Takpelah, kalau ada rezeki kita buat gathering nanti yek!

btw, Don (ayobkelubi dot blogspot) baru call aku, dia pun tak dapat attend.

PS: Ni kira plan bidan2 terjun nih. Kalau korang rasa mcm nak buat gathering yang formal, etc, pls do so. The more, the merrier, imho. ;)
Selamba aja IB, maddox.. ponteng sehari kelas, takkan x bleh. hehe. Bukan senang nak berkumpul.
Betul tu Edd. Aku pun bukan senang nak buka kat luar. Kalau jadi petang ni, aku rasa this is the 3rd time aku bukak puasa kat luar sepanjang 4 tahun aku kawin nih (kitaorg homely punya type). Tapi kalau ada hal, Aiman tak kisah la.
gathering tu takde hal beb. tak nak la formal sangat pun. blog aku bukannya blog faisal tehrani pun.

aku bukan ada kelas edd, IB tu yg ada. tapi aku ada berbuka puasa dengan ex-classmate aku.

ala,aku pun homely type jugak. once in a while kena la berbuka kat luar... tapi kalau jadi jugak this tinme, sorry man, can't make it.
lupe plak..

tempat tu takde hal.. asal jangan kat Restoran Sri Angkasa dengan RM 115.00 for buffet udah la.. mamak pun aku jalan...

just pls arrange the date! monday next week maybe?
Apa kata para juri kita?

Ijan, pasal tempat tu, jgn bimbang la. Aku sure kitaorg takkan pilih tempat mahal2 la. Membazir itu kan sedara syaitan?
really cannot make it today, ada tips utk final exam.

but if Monday depan aku 'on'...mana2 pun takpe
zack, tell u the truth, aku x kisah. Monday or Tuesday pun ok. how bout u? Yatt? Nadia? Swan?
ala, IB best student ma... what need of tips tu sumer?

Edd, monday next week cantek sangat lah.
mmmm maafle kome semua, selama ni aku bekerje dan tinggal di ipoh, perak. menulis blog pun di ipoh. too far.darn it.hehehe. next time, perhaps. thank you for the invitation though.
maddox, udah jgn nak melalut...

edd, kalau diaorg agree next week, aku & maddox jadi ler...
orait.. me no hal. BTW, any suggestion for other venue if jadi next week? Kot-kot la korang penah pegi tmpt yg lagi best.. yg cozy dan bleh lepak-lepak.
Edd, Yatt kata dia mcm sibuk jek next week, tapi apa pun, tunggu dia lepas solat Jumaat nih.
that's ok zack...
selamat berbuka puasa u ols...
selamat berbuka zack..sowy tk dapat den nk neman..next time maybe!
Argh, argh, aku rasa suara aku dah jadi lain macam je ni *gollum* *gollum*, hehe...

No hal kengkawan. Insya Allah, ada jodoh, panjang umur kita jumpa lagi!
selamat berbuka frenz.

sorry tak dapat join ini kali.
Sorry, guys, I chose to bukak puasa with Mawi
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I'm a number cruncher, married and a mother to 2 handsome young boys ~ Ikmal & Nabil. Also a self-confessed movie freak, a walking dictionary of useless facts and I just love swapping postcards. I love loud music, black t-shirts, good books and hot caramel macchiato. I hate hypocrisy, the colour pink, rude people, busy-bodies and those with 'holier than thou' attitude. :) I blog 'coz I hate talking. In real life, I'm this quiet person, often immersed in my own virtual world of obsessions, work and whatnot. Comments, suggestions, brickbats (even virtual cupcakes!) are loved, as long as you use the proper channels a.k.a the comments thingy or my e-mail ~ zackzip [at] hotmail [dot] com.

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